"To better understand the 'EC-47 Mission' Read, These Articles."

"Electric Goon" The story of the EC-47
An Aircraft born of the needs of the Vietnam War in which it served well, 1966-1974.
Written by: Joe Martin, A former member of the 6994th SS and Back End Crew.

"The EC-47 Predecessor, Very Early Hawkeye"
A bit of Hawkeye 1964/65 Photos by Gene Rossel,
Substantuated by Dennis Adolph who was a part of the Operation, 1964/65..

"The EC-47 Predecessor, Hawkeye"
A bit of the History of HAWKEYE by a man who was a part of Project Hawkeye, Don Heckert.

"Enlisted History Research Project"
A Very Secretive Mission, necessitated by the War in Southeast Asia, 1966-1974.
Written by: MSgt Bruce Nelson, U.S.A.F.

"Project CHECO Report, The EC-47 in Southeast Asia 20 September 1968"
From Official Archieves Micro-Film, thanks to Mr. Donald C. McDonald

"Project CHECO Report, The EC-47 in SEA April 1968 - July 1970"
From Official Archieves Micro-Film, thanks to Mr. Donald C. McDonald

"The Result of One of The EC-47 "Transmitter Fixes".
From Ravin 12, Jim Roper, - via - Gene Rossel

"The EC-47 at Phu Bai".
From Various Folks, Looking for more information on this.
