EC-47 Crewmembers, Front and Back, Roster
Received from Duane L. Duvall, St. Louis, Minn.

Duane writes; I was in Pleiku Vietnam from September 67 to September 68 with the 362nd TEWS. I was sent to was sent to Nha Trang, but the first day of briefing I was sent to Pleiku. I liked the weather better. Was a Flight Mechanic on the EC-47.

816 Berea St. St. Louis, Minn. 48880

Received from Jerry E. Marshall.

Jerry writes: In 1968-69, I was the Chief of Standardization for all of the EC's stationed at Tan Son Nhut but giving check rides at Nha Trang and Pleiku and opened up the operations at NKP. Was the co-pilot on the Q model that crashed in Alaska on the ferry flight over.

No Email address for Jerry but his U.S. Postal address is: 4110 Mt. Laurel San Antonio, TX 78240

Received from Bill Duvall, San Antonio, Texas.

Bill writes: I was assigned to the 362nd TEWS in May 1969 as an EC-47 Navigator and departed in May of 1970 just before the 362nd moved to Danang. We covered I and II Corps.

During that period we lost Cap 52 to 37mm fire in the Au Shaw Valley area. The round came thru the floor in the vicinity of the Navigators station and cut the elevator cables. They flew for about 20 minutes with the crew running up and down the isle to level the plane. But as it slowed to touch down at an abandoned Air Field in the Au Shaw Valley, the nose came down and they hit hard, killing the Aircraft Commander Lt. Wall. The Co-Pilot was scalped by the top of the windshield frame but survived.

Another lost was at Phu Bai as one of the Cap birds was taking off, a double bladed Chinook banked on take- off and blew the Cap bird upsidedown on take-off roll. Others lost in the revetments by 122 mm rocket attacks.

My Aircraft Commander was the infamous Bull Durham of SAC bomber fame. Bull wrote songs, sang and played the guitar. Had several records produced about life in SAC.

I was the Information Officer and we turned out a great yearbook.

No Email Address for Bill but his U.S. Postal address is: 11507 Whisper Breeze San Antonio, TX 78230

Received from E. J. Ledet.

E.J. writes: I was Detachment Commander Det. 2 6994th SS July71-Apr72. Twenty years in USAFSS, ex-morse operator/traffic analyst first six years, then to OCS and back to USAFSS for tours in Far East and Europe; flew RO position on missions; retired Goodfellow AFB February 28, 1973; living in San Angelo.

E.J.'s Email Address is: ejledet(at)

Received from Tony Lucas, Hobart Indiana

Tony writes:

I was an E-4, assigned to the 361st TEWS at Nha Trang in 1966/67 and worked on the AC-47's and EC-47's. I am proud to have served with some of the best guys I have ever met in my life.

Received from Jerry Douglas Dennis

Jerry writes: I was an E-4, assigned to Det. 2, 6994th Security Squadron, DaNang RVN from approximately 12-12-72 to 02-28-73. Transferred to Det 3, 6994th Security Squadron at Ubon RTAFB, Thailand. Left Ubon in August 1973 on Emergency Leave.

Received from Jerry Doulas Dennis, Albuquerque, NM He writes

Just relocated to Albuquerque,NM. Your site is an inspiration to the memory of not only those whose lives were lost in SEA, but to those of living who returned with the memories and valor and honor to carry to the next generation of airman.

A20331 - Det 2 6994th SS (12/72-03/73) - Det 3 6994th SS (03/73-08/73)

From May 14, 2000 from Jerry Dennis, Albuquerque, NM I find your site very beneficial and informative to those of us who served with the 6994th Security Squadron. In October 1972, I was given the choice to fly the Electric Goon at Danang, RVN, or be sent to the 6908th Security Squadron at NKP, Thailand.

I'm happy to say that I chose the Det 2, 6994th SS (and later transferred to Det 3, 6994th SS, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand. Over the past twenty-five plus years, I have given serious thought to my role in this unit. Every day, my memories give rise to the pride and honor felt as a result of my participation with this unit.

I have a display of my awards and decorations resulting from this participation. At the top of the display is a picture of me in my flight suit in front of the tail section of one of the EC-47's at Ubon. Below it is my Combat Crewmember Wings, which I feel great honor to have earned. I feel a part of history. May each person who participated in this unit also feel he is a part of a unit which "flew unarmed and alone" and contributed his own part to this mission. Jerry Dennis

March, 2001

Received from Jerry Douglas Dennis, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Jerry Writes; I was assigned to Det. 2 and Det. 3, 6994th Security Squadron. I was Stationed at Danang in Vietnam and Ubon Thailand. My duty title was, Voice Processing Specialist. I was in Southeast Asia in 1972 and 73.

J. C. Keep up the good work! I'd like to build yearbook for the period of time while assigned to the 6994th. Can you offer some advice and suggestions?

Jerry's New Address: 3602 Rolling Green Drive, Apt #417, Abilene, TX 79606.

Phone Number: 325-668-1872

Email Address:

Received from Thomas J. 'Rusty'Mulligan

Rusty writes, I went TDY from Kadena/6990th to Det 3, 6994 in Ubon in April/May 1973. I flew as a Cambodian linguist. After flying the goons for six months I was PCS'd to Ubon, which by that time, I believe, was the 6994th, having moved down fron NKP. I was "Z1" on acft 049570 on 15 May 1974. 570 along with 76304 flew the final combat missions of the war on that date. The dates of my TDY and PCS are approximate. If you need exact dates I'll have to do a lot more digging.

Rusty's Email Address is: tmulligan(at)

Postal Address: 3002 Jamaica Drive, Apt. # 39 Corpus Christi, TX 78418

Received from L.C. Cooley

L.C. writes;

Arrived at Pleiku AB RVN in Jan 1969. I was assigned to Det. 2, 6994. I Flew approximately 140 mission with Antique Airlines. Made some good friends while there, Don Boston, JJ Pitzeruse, GG Gore, Joe Madden, just to mention a few. Also had the pleasure of going TDY (about two months) to Det 3 (NKP). All in all, it was a year that I will never forget. God bless you all. Would like to hear from old friends. LC sends from Carolina.

Received from Denny Taylor, Lake Toxaway, NC

Denny says, I arrived in country June 1970 as a ground analyst. Was one of a group of analysts already in country selected to attend survival school in PI and go airborne, Jan 71. Great group of individuals both 94th and 360th. Would like to hear from old members.

Denny's Email Address is: dennytaylor(at)

Received from Harry Frye, Odenton, MD

Harry writes,
I was a Dogger TDY from the 6990th from Jan to Apr 70 and PCS's until Dec 70. Left command for next 17 years and returned as the Ops Officer of the 6994th at Ft Meade with the Comfy Levi until going to Japan and then to Thailand to run JCRC's Bangkok Liaison Office working the POW/MIA issue.

Email Address: harryfrye(at)

Received from Milton Buck of Niceville, Florida

Milton served with the 361st TEWS as Line Chief at NKP, Thailand in 1972/73 but cannot recall the exact months. He would like to hear from anyone from that time period. He does not have an email address but his Postal Address is: Milton Buck 501 McKinney St. Niceville, FL 55122

Phone Number is (850)-678-4332

Received from Michael L. Moriaty

Michael writes; I was a 1lt. assigned to the 361st TEWS as a Pilot. Was stationed both at Nha Trank and at Phu Cat in 1969.

Michael's Email Address: mlm847 (at)

Received from Orrin J. Olson

Oly writes; I was a Capt. I was assigned to the 362nd TEWS as an Instructor Navigator. Was stationed at DaNang from Sept 70 to Sept 71.

Oly's Email Address is:

Received from Charles E. Capshew, Bartlesville, OK

Charles writes; I was a Pilot assigned to the 362nd TEWS from May 70 to May 71. Says he and Rodger Curnow flew together and keep in touch.

Charles Email Adress:

Received from Earl S. Leffew

Earl writes, I worked as an instrument repairman, in the 366/362 AMS. Maintained EC-47's, AC-119 Stingers, A1H's and anything else with a recip. engine. Came to DaNang after the close of Phu Cat AB in Oct. 71.

Received from Butch Guerra

Butch says, I was a Pilot with the 361st TEWS at NKP Thailand, May 1973 to May 1974.

Received from Gary Hunley,

Gary writes, I was a 292 aboard the EC47's out of NKP from August 1970 thru feb 1972. I flew 210 missions out of NKP. The only tail numbers that I remember are 636 and 970. I have been all over the internet trying to find information on any of my fellow crewmembers. Some of their names were Guy Fox, Monty Hargraves, Skeeter Dickerson, Jim Iannuzi, Jack Clancy, Ben Dorn, .... Kulik, Dave Healey, Richard Derrick, Ed Flinchum to name a few. Anybody remember of of these men?????

Received from Steve Baudoin

Steve writes, great site, we need to make an effort to contact more men who served. If I can be of help let me know. Steve was an E-3 with Det. 2, 6994th Security Squadron at Pleiku in 1968/69. Duties as a Radio Operator on the EC-47.

Received from Alex Canterbury

Alex writes, I was stationed at 6994th Det. 1 Nha Trang begining 5 Nov 68. That was election day for the Presidential Election, and the day I also turned 21. I was going thru my schooling, getting ready to ship to Viet Nam, so my Dad had to get my absential ballot. Because I wasn't yet 21 at that time, he had quite a bit of trouble getting it for me. All in all, quite a memory for my first day in country.

I can still remember the blast of heat that hit me in my face as I left the plane after arriving at Cam Rahn Bay. I also was envolved in the move from Nha Trang to Phu Cat. I don't remember the month but it was about August of 1969. In Oct 1969 I took my R&R in Sydney. Upon my return to Phu Cat, I noticed that all the men were bummed out.

That is when I found out that we had lost an EC-47, all crew lost. Sgt Stiglich and Sgt. Hall were the RO's on that flight. I was told that Sgt. Hall had replaced another RO on that flight. I don't remember that man's name. Also, I was told that they had thought that the plane had taken ground fire that hit the generator, located in the tail end, and the resulting fire had burnt through the control cables controlling the rudder and tail flaps. Anyway, that was the scuttle butt.

I have enjoyed viewing the web site. It has brought back many memories that had been buried for many years. I have a few pictures. Some of our barracks in Nha Trang, and a few pics of our barracks in Phu Cat. Also a few last mission pics on which there were 3 last mission flyers on the same mission.

Alex's Email Address: m.a.canterbury (at)

Received from Bruce R. Schafer

Bruce was with the 6994th Security Service and was stationed at Danang from July 1970 until mid Feburary 1972. He served as a 292, an RO, an IRO, an AMS and as SEFE.

Bruce's Email Address: beermanbruce(at)

Received from: David L. Benson from Houston, TX

David writes, I served in the 6994th all over Southeast Asia (Detachments in Thailand and Vietnam) between April, 1967 and July, 1969. I flew as a RO on EC-47's out of Nha Trang and Pleiku from July, 1968 - July, 1969.

This is a great page. It is a treasure of information. It's about time that the world was told about the importance of our mission in the war.

Received from: Robert Ambrose, Allenton, MI

Robert says he was an A1c/Sgt with the 6994th Security Squadron at Phu Cat in 1969/70.

Received from: Roger V. Pratt Orlando, Florida

Roger writes; Great Site! My particulars: AFSC 292 in Japan, '66~'68. Then, Fairchild AFB Survival School, Eqmt Tech school at Goodfellow AFB March ? '68, Jungle Survival Clark AB, Philpp., Tan Son Nhut May '68~Jan'69, Pleiku Jan. 69~May'69. 133 EC-47 missions -- saw many of the planes I flew on. Was at Pleiku on Feb 5 69, when we lost the gooney with Rodney Gott and James "Dot" Dorsey (ROs). Although plane was lost in the morning, it wasn't 'til very late afternoon before we in the brks. knew about it. I was pulling the overnight CQ at the Ops bldg and answered the phone when Rodney's family called from the States to see if we'd heard anything. No, we hadn't at that point...tough call to take. I saw and spoke to his mother at the dedication of the chow hall in his name across from (now) AIA at Kelly AFB, San Antonio. Do any of these names ring a bell to anyone: Jim Osbourne, Bill? Lowmueller, Ed Sumner, Al Kinter, Bill Duffy {prob. was in Thailand}, Larry F., "Banger" the puppy?

Roger's Latest Email Address is: kokoro (at)

Tks agn for the great site.

Received from Tom L. Kersey, Valley Springs, California

Tom writes, I was in Da Nang with 362nd TEWS from Jan '72 until June '72 when we were downsized and at that time transfered to NKP. I was part of the group that joined the TEWS about half way through the one year tour as the result of the sqd of 123's being closed. Great birds - great site.

Received from Richard 'Dick' Hunt

Dick says, I was a Sgt with Detachment 2, 6994th Security Squadron at Pleiku and DaNang in 1969/70.

Dick's Email Address: gold.coast (at)

Received from David A. Williams

David says, he was with the 361st TEWS at Nha Trang from July, 68 to July 69. Was the Crew Chief on EC-47 number 45-0925 with nose art name 'Wendy'.

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