Received from Ron Moring, Petersburg, Virginia
Ron writes, I was a Sgt and assigned to Det 2, 6994th Security Squadron at DaNang from June 1970 until Feb. 1972 as an R/O 29251, flew 100 missions plus one month crew 'Metro' truck driver, NKP overnites, upstairs in 1st barracks, China Beach USO, Freedom Hill, Monkey Mountain, late flights, box lunches, briefings, recognize lots of names and reunion faces, R&R to Sydney, Midnight the dog, getting short, flying, flying, flying. Thanks for a great site. I Visit often. |
Received from John Hornecker
John writes, Got there late, but served in Ubon, RTAFB from October 73 until the unit closed in May 1974. I was fortunate to have been picked to be part of the crew on the second to last mission, and was on hand when the last mission landed shortly after we did. Therefore the picture on the cover of the book means a lot to me. It was a very special day. TSgt Paul Weyandt was the AMS on the last flight. (He came to Misawa as a 2 striper while I was there). Don't remember anyone else. He went on to become Chief Weyandt and the NCOIC of Operations at Clark. He survived hundreds of missions in Southeast Asia, but was later killed in a car accident while on leave in Pennsylvania, a great loss to Security Service and the Air Force. Perhaps you already knew this. I had an uneventful tour in Ubon, but was probably one of the most nervous crewmembers they had there. If anything happened in the air, everyone would look my way to see if I was okay or not. I also worked Mission Management when not flying. I managed to get through everything okay, and must say that earning and wearing my crewmember wings was the proudest thing I accomplished in my 22+ year Air Force career. |
Received from Russ Mullen
Russ was stationed at DaNang in 1971 with Detachment 2, 6994th Security Squadron. Was and E-4 at that time. |
Recieved from Richard I. Koeteeuw "K-2"
Since "Koeteeuw" is so hard for most folks to spell (even fellow "Dutchmen"), I always abbreviated it in service as "K-2". I was in the 362nd TEWS at Pleiku AB from about Aug 69 to 4 Mar 70. I was one of the bunch of AC-47 navs & pilots who were transitioned to EC-47's with an "in-country checkout program" as they phased out the AC-47's from the USAF & gave that mission to the VNAF AC-47's ("Vietnamization" was the buzzword of the day). Our EC-47 instructors kept the mission so secret from us that we REALLY didn't know what the mission was until we were almost checked out (had flown at least half the checkout flights). I flew I Corps, II Corps, DMZ & Tiger Island (NVN), & over Laos (Ho Chi Minh Trail) to land at Naked Fanny for an RON.
I had about 90 missions in AC's and 90 missions in EC's. I forget how many
hours but between 600 and 800, I think -- not bad for having been PCS'ed to
Nha Trang then Binh Thuy then Bien Hoa and, finally, Pleiku all within 5
months! I worked civic actions as additional duty: At Binh Thuy (IV Corps),
it was with Vietnamese nun-run orphanage; at Pleiku (II Corps), it was with
Montagnard villages. There is an EXCELLENT site an SF friend has dedicated
to the CURRENT Montagnard plight -- especially if anyone would finally like
to get a Montagnard bracelet! See
I have never run across anyone I knew from Vietnam but heard about one of
our Pleiku country singers, (Lt Col) Bull Durham, who was albumizing some
of our AF Vietnam songs for TV's Austin City Limits 5 years ago and a
professor at SUNY-Buffalo named Lydia Fish (Anthropology Dept's Vietnam
Oral History Dept).
I look forward to spending time on The EC-47 Site and will forward copies of
my reply to friends who might also be interested in checking it out. You
said the website is at URL
Richard's Email Address is: RichardKatu(at)
Received from Benjamin L. Stewart
Ben writes, I was at Det 2 6994 in Jan 73 until the cease fire. Spent time at DaNang, NKP and Ubon. In Feb 73 on to NKP. Somewhere around May or June 73 I went to Ubon. I was an AMS on one of the fini flights on 15 May 74. |
Received from Charles Brown
Charles say, I was a Captain and was a Pilot with the 362nd TEWS at Pleiku from 4 April, 1967 to 4 April, 1968. |
Received from Ron Garland
Ron says, I was a crew cheif on a c47 at Danang from Feb. 1970 until Feb. 71 with the 362nd TEWS. I'm looking for anyone that might remember me. I'd like to find Dale Turner he was my room mate, also TSgt Scott. |
Received from Richard (Rick) Boyer
Rick writes that he was with the 360th TEWS at Tan Son Nhut in 1967. Says After spending a month in the Phillipines going to school on the C-123 I was rather stunned to find that I would be working on the C-47 when I arrived. My first thought was the gun ships, not knowing about the EC-47 models at the time. I'm glad that I was part of the mission. I was lucky to leave on 17 Feb 1967, we were shelled heavily the night before. Rick's Email Address is: boyer(at) |
Received from Robert "Scott" Lingo
Scott was with the 6994th SS in 1973/74 and says, I was then Sgt Robert "Scott" Lingo AMS on 304 the last day. I am now a retired Lieutenant Commander Supply Corps, US Navy. I really enjoyed finding the Web Site and seeing the last day photos. Please add me to the e-mail list. |
Received from Bruce W. Huester
Bruce says, I was a 1st Lt. with the 361st TEWS at NKP in 1973/74. He flew one of the last missions flown by the EC-47's on 15 May, 1974 and then ferried one of the EC-47's to Bankok Thailand in June of 1974. |
Received from Peter K. Cocolis
Peter didn't leave much info. Says he was a Captain in the 362nd TEWS at Danang in 1972\73. |
Received from: Tom Nurre, San Angelo, Texas
Tom says, he was a SSgt assigned to Det. 3, 6994th SS at Nakhon Phanom in 1970-71. Arrived NKP in Aug 1970 following survival school in the PI. Bill Schaule was Ops Superintendent; Capt Clapper was Det Commander followed by Capt DeLaura. Ended with 140+ missions as RO, IRO, & AMS. Organized the "Action Crew" around new guys (Tom Nurre, Ernie Woods & Charlie Bibbs) and loved challenging the old guys (Bob Sherwood, Paul Weyandt, Skeeter Dickerson, Ron Schofield, etc) to most targets in area. Always thought we stacked up fairly well. Went on to complete 33 years in AF, retired in 1994 at MPC. Now own and operate an antique furniture reupholstery business here in San Angelo. Love the site and plan to visit often. Hi everybody! Tom |
Received from: Bob Weber King George, VA
Bob writes, I was a SSgt assigned to the 377th CAMS at Tan Son Nhut in 1972-73. Was a Doppler Tech...worked the C-130s too. About last ten months was an Advisor to the Vietnamese Air Force. Bird was old... but good. How many of you guys remember Frantic Goat missions? |
Received from Donald D. Minnish, Goldsboro, NC
Hi Guys, I just ran across your website while browsing on my webtv and thought I would respond. I was a crewchief on EC-47P 43-49603 at TSN AB from Nov. 69 to Nov.70. I plan to order your model soon. So long for now, and always remember the "Old Tiger" |
Received from Michael Barnett
Michael writes, I was a 203 "backender" NKP during 72-73 with over 100 missions. Just got a call from an old lanquage school member and thought I would take a look. I remember "Baron 52" as well as the one we lost off the runway at NKP. Brings back lots of memories. |
Received from Son Le of Shreveport, LA
I would like to let you know about myself, I was one of a person flew in that mission, I still remember the signal name of the aircraft is Legman 31. Based on my memory, I was trained by 360th TEWS in squadron 6994. In 1970, I still remember our advisor commander is Colonel Collins, and one of a MSG is Reynold, and Schofields who usually give me a big cigar for each mission, and he made a good coffee at 7000 feet. Well, I can't wait to see all of you. Once again, I'm very appreciate you have accepted me as a part of our EC-47 mission in VN. I was trained in the 3rd class of ARDF in 1970, and I wonder that I was in VNAF, so I don't know that I will be eligible to join the ring with your members or not? I have been in this country for 12 years, I became an US citizen, and my current position is software engineer for a major fast food cooking equipment at Louisiana. |
Received from Thomas H. Pearson, Waldo, AR
Thomas didn't leave much information. He was a TSgt with the 6994th Security Squadron at NKP in 72/73. |
Received from L.C. Cooley of Greenwood SC
L.C. writes, I am a retired MSgt and spent a tour with Detachment 2, 6994th Security Squadron at Pleiku in 1969/70. L.C. was an operator at the "X" and "Y" positions. |
Received from Chris Jones
Chris says, I Arrived in Viet Nam on 7 December 1970, Pearl Harbor Day. Was assigned to the 6994th Security Squadron and Flew 171 missions out of Ton Son Nhut and Phu Cat. As an X1, I performed duties as an RO, IRO, and as an AMS. Email Address: [email protected] |
Received from Steve Kavanagh
Steve writes, I was stationed at DaNang from August 1970 until August 1971. Was with the 6994th Security Squadron. Room mate was Paul Kirkwold. Steve's Email Address is: kavy1 (at) net |
Received from William S. Nibblett, Center Point, Texas
William left this information in the guestbook. I was assigned to the 6994th Security Squadron at Tan Son Nhut from December, 1970 until February 71 and flew 11 missions here then to Detachment 2, 6994th from February 71 until December 1971, flew 18 missions here. Retired as MSgt with 21 years. William's Email Address: dnibblett (at) |
Received from John Tagnesi
John says he was a Capt. assigned to the 360th TEWS at Tan Son Nhut
in 1970/71.
Received from Charles T. Hickman, San Angelo, Texas
Charles writes, I arrived in country around 21 March 69 and served as RO with 6994th. flew 183 missions, logged 1082.5 hours on tour. Was awarded DFC, Air Medal w/3 clusters. Received the usual medals for just being in South East Asia. Flew with guys like Guy McClain Jr. of South Carolina, Paul Jagelovicz of Wisconsin, Frank Houldin of Pennsylvania, Alan Bouchard of Maine, Roland Vigenault of Jersey?? New York??, Pennsylvania??. I was at TSN with Lester Kimball, George Montague, Mike Christy (OIC-Opns) Frankie Dever (analyst) I became and IRO probably in June of 1969, took i think 8 or 10 students thru their intro flights. i enjoyed that work. Mike Presslar and I flew a mission that netted us a letter from the commanding general of the 9th Infantry Divison. found some NVA army group that had been lost for 3 mos. and that was a SEFE IRO no notice ride!!! I achieved a level of satisfaction with my job over there that has seldom been equaled in the civilian life i have led. I spent 30 years with the state of Texas after i got out of the Air Force, 12 with the department of public safety, 2 of those as a morse relay operator. i retired from the office of the attorney general of texas in Feb. 1998. took a job with northrop grumman in san angelo texas helping set up and run a data center serving the agencies of the state of texas. plan to stay here until i reach age 60. Goodfellow has changed tremendously. Bigger-better. hardly recognized the place when i came back here. I was surprised and thrilled to find your website. lots of good memories have resurfaced. |
Received from Larry Eavey
Larry says, I was an E-5 assigned to Det.2, 6994th Security Squadron at Pleiku in July 1968 to July 1969 as a 292, Morse Operator. |