Received from, Bach Tran
My dear friend, I am B.Tran M.Corporal VNAF ,serviced in Radar Doppler Shop at TSN airbase. In the 1974-1975. That time your guy were transferred aircraft EC47 to us. I loved these aircraft's very much. Thank your web, because I can understand the history of the EC47 before your guy gave them to us. But on April 1975 we brought them back at Utapao airbase when North Viet Nam used force to took over of the South VN. Received July 22, 2002 Hello J.C, Thank for your replay. During EC-47 hand over to us. We had 3 shops to take care about Electronic devices are: Gyro C12 shop, Radar Doppler and Bravo. In the Doppler Shop, we still on training with your advisors, because the budget was cut, we could not to go US for training. I still remembered the name of our advisors: Jim Gahllaher,Lipton, Gary and Fat Jim (He liked to station Danang, only the last day April 30 1975 he go back to TSN and go home. Before Communist took the airbase, we put all radar Doppler equipment's to the aircraft, and we took off. Only bad equipment remain in the shop. My shop stay on the run way of the squadron 718 EC-47. When I refugees in Canada, and worked for Bendix Company as Electronic technician. I was surprised, because radar Doppler system stay in the shop that included dripmeter too. I could not attend your reunion, but in my heart as your heart still love our aircraft's EC -47. I had sometime over at Dayton, Ohio, because I have a sister living in Indianapolis,In. I am vary happy to remember back our time in the VN war. That time I was only 21 years old ,now almost 50 but one day with EC- 47 this mean all life with it. Will see you again, Bach Tran |
Received from, James F. "Jim" Casey, Merced, California.
Jim left a note in the Guestbook. He served as the first Operations Officer with the 361st Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Nha Trang from October, 1966 to September, 1967. He was Ops Officer during my tour with the 361st. He says "Good to hear from all". |
Received from, Norman Christensen of Minden Nebraska.
Norman was a Crew Chief with the 360th Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Tan Son Nhut in 1971/72. Normans Email Address is: ray974 (at) |
Received from, Monte Hargrave of Arlington, Texas.
Monte served with Det. 3, 6994th Security Squadron from August 1971 to August 1972 as NCOIC Flight Operations. Quite a site! So many memories! Retired October, 1980 and haven't looked back. I've often wondered what happened to many of the ones I served with, just haven't kept up with any. Would love to hear from any of you. |
Received from, Richard Firebaugh of Eagle, Nebraska.
Richard was assigned as Dock Chief with the 360th Tactical Electronics Warefare Squadron at Tan Son Nhut from July 30, 1971 to July 30, 1972. I worked on the goonies in Saigon and my best friend's Father I.D. Freeman was killed in the first combat loss of and EC-47. (That was Tide 86 in Feb. 1967 out of the 361st at Nha Trang.) My Antique Airlines Plaque is still on the wall in my office. |
Received from: Paul Grisham, Norman Oklahoma.
Paul writes, I was in the 6994th at Danang and at NKP in 1972 (an ARDF operator). I retired from the Air Force in San Antonio about 5 years ago and now work for the Air Logistics Center at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma City. I get back to Thailand every few years (my wife Ann is Thai), and we will most likely be in Khan Kaen in January or February to visit with her family. We took a day trip to NKP a couple of years ago during one of our family visits. I was amazed at how little the town had changed, and how little of the Base was left. I guess that's as it should be. |
Received from: Danny 'Snake' Foster
Danny says, I was a Flight Engineer with the 360th Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Tan Son Nhut in 1969. Would like to here from old friends. Dan's Email Address is: fosterdan (at) |
Received from: Wm. Mike Earley, Henderson, Texas
Mike say's, I was a 1Lt and a Pilot with the 360th Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron at Tan Son Nhut from March 68 until March 69. Mike's Email Address: mearley (at) |
Received from: James Sisco, Palm Bay, Florida
James says, I was a TSgt with the 6994th, at Tan Son Nhut,
Nha Trang and Phu Cat in Bravo in 67-68-69 and 72-73.
Received from: John W. Burt, Las Vegas, Nevada
John says, I was a Major with the 360th Tactical Electronics
Warfare Squadron at Tan Son Nhut 1970-71. Became Scheduling
Officer after Keith Holmquist.
Received from: Bob Cameron, Medina, Washington
Bob called requesting information on the upcoming Reunion 2002. He says he was assigned to the 360th Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Tan Son Nhut, September 1969-1970. Bob's Email Address: [email protected] |
Received from: Richard L. Porter, Scottsdale, Arizona
Richard says, I was an E-4 with Detachment 2, 6994th Security Squadron at Pleiku as a 292 'Ditty Bopper' Airborne Intercept Operator in 1969-70. Richard's Email Address: rtroonie(at) |
Received from: Jerry Kessenich
Jerry says, I was a Navigator with the 362nd Tactical Electronics
Warfare Squadron at Pleiku and Danang.
Received from: Robert 'Bob' Hull, Alexandria, Ohio
Bob says I was assigned to the 6994th at Nha Trang as a Morse Operator from December 1967 to December 1968. Email Address: shibob27(at) |
Received from: Paul Amundsen, Exeter, New Hampshire
Paul says, I was a Captain and served as a Pilot with the 361st
Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Nha Trang and Phu Cat
in 1969/70.
Received from: Mark O'Neil
Mark gave little information, but did say he was assigned to
Detachment 1, 6994th Security Squadron from July, 1970 until
July, 1971.
Received from: Charles E. Norby, Atwater, California
I have just been informed about the EC-47 association by Doug Davis, a member of the 361 TEWS back in 69. I was the Commander of the 361 TEWS in 1973-74. I can honestly say that that tour was the highlight of my 30 year military career. I would like to join the association and could contribute to the history via war stories, photographs, and other information pertaining to the history during March of 73 through March of 74, where do a send the photographs via scanner. I have quite a few pictures of 029 after she took a hit over Laos. That happened on my first solo combat mission and on Harley Marshall's 100th mission. I pumped drinks in him until midnight that evening and he still was stone sober. I would like to hear from you to ensure that I am on the right track and in contact. Lt. Col. Chuck Norby USAF ret. formally Commander of the 361 TEWS. Chuck's Email Address is: cnorby1(at) |
Received from: Vincent J. Lewis
Vince says, I live near and work at Wright-Patterson and am a former EC-47 Aircraft Commander. I would love to help with Reunion 2002. Got a bit more from Vince today, Jan. 28th, 2009. He says he was at NKP from December, 1970 to December, 1971 and updated his Email address. Vince's Email Address is: VJLewis (at) |