Received from: Mark M. Morris, Beaver Dam, WI.
Mark writes, I was a Sgt 202 with the 6994th Det 3 at NKP from December 72 until October 73. I arrived at NKP a couple weeks before the Christmas bombing at Hanoi started on Dec 72. If I remember correctly a B-52 crashed outside our base during this time. I roomed with Robert D.Trimble (Nimbus) who I would like to find out where he is. If anybody has any info let me know. |
Received from: Charles L Scholl.
Charles writes, I was Ssgt with the 360th TEWS at Tan Son Nhut from Oct. 1968 to Oct. 1969. I was crew chief on Aircraft 153 Miss November. Went to NKP AFB thailand for 21 days. Aircraft 153 was flying in suport of ground forces. Aircraft took ground fire and was hit. Charles Email Address: greenpony65 (at) |
Received from: Mark H. Broswick.
Mark writes, I was assigned to Det.2, 6994th Security Squadron at Danang from January 1972 through December 1972, friends of the ill-fated Baron-52 "back-end" crew. AFSC: Airborne Direction Finding Specialist Intelligence Career: CIA (1991-present) NSA (1974-1991) USAFSS (1969-1972) Good to be back with you JC. Great site!! |
Received from: John "J.J." Pitzeruse.
J.J. writes, I was a SSgt with the 6994th Security Squadron at Pleiku and Danang. I served as an AMS/IRO, 1969,70,71&72. I flew 352 enjoyable missions with some of the best people I ever encounter in my 22 years career. Have been attending the reunions in San Antonio each year and really enjoy renewing the friendships that were established during that period of my life. It is amazing how many of us survived inspite of ourselves. Just proud to have been part of something that was really great and treasure the friends and memories. Can't tell any war stories because there are too many people still alive that probably wouldn't want their grandchildren to know what really went on. That includes me |
Received from: Michael Self
Michael writes, I was a Captain assigned to the 362nd Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Danang from November 1970 to November 1971. Served as Squadron Intel Officer--ran the intel shop 24/7 with myself and two sgts. Did typical intel stuff--aircrew briefing, update survival training, security etc. Dodged rockets (still have a box full of fragments). Had 7 EC-47 missions, primarily to and from NKP. I had to go over there periodically to brief NKP intel personnel on how they should do our aircrew mission briefings. Left active duty in late '71, went into the AF reserves, still as an Intel Officer. Was recalled for Desert Storm, and retired as a Col. in April 1997. Cheers, and hope to see you in 2002 (I work at W-P, so am very near the AF Museum) Mike Self Address is: [email protected] |
Dug Up On: James O. Bunkley Jr. Universal City Texas.
This bit of information was collected from bits and pieces from around the web-site, ie. The 361st TEWS yearbook for 1966-68, and from meeting James at Reunion 2000. James was a Navigator with the 361st Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Nha Trang in 1967/68. He was at that time a Captain and served as an Instructor Navigator and as Recap Officer. James Email Address: jimbunkley(at) |
Received from Roger M. Boddy
Roger says he was with the 6994th Security Squadron at Tan Son Nhut and at Nakhon Phanom. He was an Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic. |
Received from Joseph W. Felock, Jr. Midwest City, Oklahoma
Joe writes, I was at Tan Son Nhut in the 360th TEWS as a Pilot, Aircraft Commander, Instructor Pilot and Functional Check Flight Pilot. My tour ran from Feb. 1967 to Feb. 1968. I have many memories starting with being part of ferry crew #31 with Irv Durban (AC), Billy Sullivan (P), Dave Rice (N) and Vince Fierro (FM). Rough engine enroute McClellan to Elmendorf. Delay at Elmendorf for prop change. Still problem. Maintenance found contaminated fuel - water from heavy rains at McClellan seeped into storage tanks. -- Lost Doppler Nav at Wake Island. No repair capability. Flew formation with Jack Lord & crew (#33) to Guam where repairs accomplished. Vivid memories of TDY to Phu Bai when VC and NVA attacked base at night. Like a John Wayne movie but with real bullets. Spent night in bunker - couldn't get to aircraft. Marines did terrific job in defending the base. Fortunately no damage to a/c. Many memorable events intervened before return to US. Tour ended with TET. Were able to be one of two crews to make it to TSN. Alternated missions with the other crew. Heavy activity around TSN necessitated silent taxi, engine run-up while taxiing, no lights, T/O from center third of runway. |
Received from Reid E. "Skip" Dugger
Skip writes, I was assigned to the 6994th, Det 2 at Da Nang from
Jul 71 to Aug 72. I am amazed that I found this web page entirely
by accident. I was in USAFSS from 1961 to 1977 and retired from
the AF in 1983. I have lost contact with most of the buddies I
knew and would love to hear from some of them. Email address is
[email protected] or [email protected] you can pass this info
on would appreciate it. Reid E.(Skip) Dugger..EC47 crewmember
AFSC A20771. |
Received from Bruce Gessel, Herndon, Virginia
Bruce says he was with the 360th TEWS at Tan Son Nhut as an Instructor Navigator from July, 1966 to August, 1967. Bruce flew with Lt. Col. Lauderdale. |
Received from Dusty Mosier, Slate Hill, New York
Dusty says, I was an E-4 assigned to the 6994th Security Squadron at Tan Son Nhut in 1967/68 as a 292. |
Received from Mike Maroney, Fairborn, Ohio
14 November, Mike wrote: I was a co-pilot on N, P and Q models from Oct 73 thru Jun 74. Brought 009 back from Ubon on the final rotation return flight to NKP. Flew most of the time with Dave Brandt (pilot) and Jesse (sp?)Baldock (nav). I think I was in the 2nd or third last class for ECs at Hurlburt. On arrival at NKP, as was usual, I was "elected" the "dog control" officer for couple of weeks until the next new 2nd Lt came in, taking care of Lady Sux (sp?) and QC. I think I may have one of the last rosters with new/next assignment addresses for the pilots and navs from the 361st TEWS, made up about June 1st of '74. Was an additional duty sqqadron training officer. At one snap shot in time during my tour with the 361st, there were 29 2nd Lts and 29 Lt Cols; I guess it could be said each Lt Col had his own "valet". I live in Fairborn,OH and bump into Gary Williams about every six months. I was in the 361st TEWS, 73-74 at NKP Mike Maroney |
Received from John S.'Jack' Rogers III
John says, I was a member of the 6994th SS, Detachtment 2 at Pleiku in 1966/67. Was an airborne morse intercept operator. |
Received from Norman Whitlow
Norman did not provide much information. He says, I was assigned to Bein Hoa from August 1967 until I was transferred to the 360th Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron at Tan Son Nhut in December 1967. Added April 2, 2009 360thTEW & 460th FMS HYD. SHOP, 1967-1969 Normans Email Address: n.whitlow(at) Postal Address: 1451 Chapman Dr. Lancaster, TX 75134 Phone: Cell: 972-217-0681 Home: 972-227-8071 |
Received from Norman T. Lee
Hi, my name is Norman T. Lee, USAF Retired, and I was at DaNang from January 71-April 73. I was a SRO and First Sgt while stationed at DaNang and aided in our closure. Was also at DaNang at Easter 71 or 72 when we were evacuated to NKP and Saigon due to the NVA driving on DaNang. They said they would be eating in our Dining Hall by Easter Sunday, but thanks to the USS America and a whole lot of Marines, it never happened. Add my name to your list, please. Email Address: tay721nor(at) |
Received from Raymond L. Pearson
Raymond writes, I was assigned to the 360th Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron from May 1968 until December 1969. I was a SSgt Flight Mechanic in Stand-Eval. Raymond's Email Address is: ra5jud223(at) His postal address is: 214 Arrow Way Myrtle Creek OR. 97457 |
Received from George Brune, Macon Georgia
George writes; I was a SSgt assigned to Detachment 1, 6994th Security Squadron at Nha Trang as an Instructor RO in 1966/67. I flew 107 missions during my tour. Arrived at Nha Trang in Aug 66 with the "second" wave. At that time, there were no quarters on base for the NCO's so we "had" to live downtown. My self along 8 or 10 other guys rented a house downtown Nha Trang at 8 Le Lai St. A couple of times our doppler didn't work and we sort of strayed across the DMZ, going north - but made a very quick u-turn. George's Email Address is: gbrune(at) |
Received from Don Johnson, Munford Alabama
Don writes, I was an Aircraft Commander and Instructor Pilot and was assigned to both the 361st and 362nd Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadrons in 1970. I learned to play bridge and tennis at Phu Cat, then I was caught not wearing my hat on a perimeter road. As punishment, they sent me to Nakon Phanom to serve out my last 6 months in SEA. It was rough, but someone had to do it!!! Returned to England AF Base. Don's Email Address: don(at) |
Received from Frank J. Dutko, Gulf Breeze, Florida
Frank writes, I was an Instructor Pilot with the 361st Tactical
Electronics Warfare Squadron at Nha Trang in 1967/68. Retired
in 1972.
Received from Ben Dorn, Lima Ohio
Ben writes, I was a 202x2 and served with Detachment 3, 6994th
Security Squadron at Nakon Phanom, Thailand from approximately
Mid 1970 until Janurary 1972.
Received from William J. "Bud" Donahue III, Philadelphia, PA.
Bud writes, I was a Sgt with Detachment 2, 6994th Security Squadron at Pleiku. I worked as a Tech. in the Comm. Center from October 67 to October 68. Went TDY to Tan Son Nhut in December of January, not sure of the date. I had just a couple of days left then TET happened and I had to stay there an extra month. Bud's Email Address: [email protected] |
Received from Eugene 'Gene' Halfmann, San Angelo, TX.
Gene writes, I was a SSgt with Detachment 3, 6994th SS stationed
at NKP in 1970-71. I was an Airborne Analyst.