Received from: Frank Compher, Baltimore, Maryland.
Frank says, I was stationed at Tan Son Nhut and Nha Trang, with the 6994th Security Squadon as an OP/AMS/Stand EVAL., August 1968-69 and August 1970-71. Work with Art Silvin at NSA. |
Received from: Frank W. Ely, Spring Hill Florida
Frank called me as he had read the reunion notice in the DAV Magazine. He was requesting information on the reunion. When he spelled his last name for me, I immediately recognized it and let him know. Frank was an Aircraft Commander and Instructor Pilot with the 361st Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Nha Trang during my tour, 1966/67. |
Received from, Doug Williams, Roswell, NM
Doug says, I was Stationed at Nha Trang AB, RVN in Det. 1 6994th Security Squadron ad Det. Maintenance Officer. I was in Southeast Asia from December 1966 to December 1967. Doug's Email Address: dwill(at) Just ran onto this site, JC. It really looks great. I am enjoying it very much. |
Received from: Thomas M. Inman, Cochita Lake, NM.
Thomas was assigned to the 360th Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron from September 1966 to September 1967. I am assuming that he was a Navigator as he made mention of Lt. Col. Homer Sharp as A/C and Tom Howley as C/P. I hope to get the straigh poop on this soon, J.C. Thomas's Email Address: [email protected] |
Received from: Jim Thorp, Redlands, California.
Jim says, I was a Pilot assigned to the 360th Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Tan Son Nhut in 1969/70. Email Address: jimthorp(at) |
Received from: Therone N. (Tom) Tompkins, Green Cove Springs, Florida
Tom says, I was stationed at Tan Son Nhut in the 6994th Security Squadron from November 1968 to November 1969. I was an Airborne Radio Morse Systems Operator. I got this information from Rich McClausic and I did not know there was a site for us to find folks. I retired from Air Force in 1984 and returned to Maine where I was born. Stayed there until I relocated for a job with Civil Service in 1993. Work with the Navy now. Sure would like to hear from any of you that I knew over 30 years ago. Give me a ring or a letter or an E-mail. Therone's Email Address is: spudnuttnt(at) |
Received from Russell L. "Butch" Strickland, Tennille, GA.
Butch writes, I have written you last year when I came upon your site. I at that time did't have a computer so I used my brothers e-mail address. Please update your records with my current data. I was a Sgt. and a Crew Chief with the 362nd Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Pleiku, November 1967 thru November, 1968. I have some pictures for your to update your book. I have had them put on a cd and made a file in my computer so I can send them to you. I have pictures of my aircraft on the flight line at Pleiku. The planes number was 43-15980. Her name was "Ring Dang Doo". The pictures have the tail number in it. I also have found a picture of the plane that was named "Punkin and Peaches". I have also found my copy of the C-47 Flight Crew checklist with the last up date of 24 January 1966. I have a good clear picture of Richard Fleming standing in front of the engine on "980". I also have on this cd a picture of the POW camp down the road from Pleiku. There is a good picture of the maintenance quarters 220. I have a good picture of myself and Joe McCormick standing outside the barracks. I need your help getting these pictures to you. It means a great deal to me to be able to contribute to this site. I am very proud of the time I served with the 362nd. I know for a fact that aircraft "980" and "547" were at Pleiku from Nov. 67 thru No. 68. I will try and find more information for you. I know that you are looking for names of people that were associated with the EC-47's. I remember SSGT Dewey Martin, Sgt. Edwin Reed, Sgt. Richard Fleming, A1C Joe McCormick, A1C Ray Plummer. We Were all flight line mechanics. I have a group photo of the 362nd mechanics on ths flight line when we had flow 30,000 Hours. I will try and find that one for you. I will try and e-mail you my information. I f not I will mail you my pictures and you can build them as you like. Thank You for remembering our lives. I hope to hear from you. Russell's Email Address as I have it is: sstrick(at) |
Received from: Larry H. Norman, Stateroad, NC.
Larry called requesting reunion information. Larry was stationed at Tan Son Nhut with the 360th Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron from November 1970 thru November 1971. He worked with the Aircraft Ground Crews maintaining the aircraft for us flyboys. |
Received from: Richard "Rich" Paul, Ft Lauderdale, Florida.
Rich say, I was a Flight Mechanic with the 362nd Tactical Elecronics Warfare Squadron at Pleiku from January, 1967 thru January 1968. Richard's Email Address: margric1725 (at) Postal Address: 101 Cherokee Drive South Waleska, GA 30183
Received from: Edgar Smiley, Louisville, KY.
Edgar called about the upcoming reunion, says he was a Flight Mechanic with the 362nd Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Pleiku in 1967/68. Edgar's Email Address: DeKYblugras(at) |
Received from: Larry Cooke, Aulander, NC.
Larry says, I was a Pilot/AC with the 361st Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at PhuCat, Danang and NKP in 1971-72. |
Received from: Jeffrey C. Paul, Chesapeake City, MD.
Jeffrey says, I was a Pilot with the 360th Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Tan Son Nhut in 1969-70. Jeffery's Email Address: jeffeilp(at) |
Received from: Mike Turner, Bellefontaine, OH.
Mike says, I was an Airborne Mission Supervisor with the 6994th Security Squadron at Tan Son Nhut in 1970-71. |
Received from: Phillip McKenna, Hudson, Florida.
Phillip says he was assigned to Maintenance with the 361st Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Nha Trang from early September 1967 until September 1968. |
Received from: Don Backer
Don says I was a Navigator with the 362nd Tactical Electronis Warfare Squadron in 1969/70 at Pleiku and Danang. |
Received from: Billy G. Sullivan of Whelen Springs, Arkansas.
Billy was a pilot with the 360th Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Tan Son Nhut in 1967/68. Billy does not have an email address. His postal address is: P.O. Box 54 Whelen Springs, AR 71772. |
Received from: Steven McCalligett
Steven says I was a Flight Mechanic with the 362nd Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Danang in 1970. Says his squadron Commander was Col. Massengale. Steven currently has no email address. His postal address is: 59 Pleasant View Warwick RI 02888. |
Received from: James (Jungle Joe) Reynolds, San Antonio, Texas
James says, I Arrived 03/01/69 departed 05/25/70. Flew 155 missions. First from Nha Trang. Anyone remember the 66th NVA Regiment? All ground operations on stand down until they were located. Found September 1969 and decimated during the next 60 days. Moved to Phu Cat end of September '69. Major Vernone the CC. Super great guy. Trained Mike Stiglich to be the first E4 IRO. A really good young man, lost when the aircraft went down. I have really missed him. The quality of the men in our squadron was so high that I have never found another time in my long life quite as rewarding. War & death bring people closer together. I miss the competitive spirit, the high morale, the ABSOLUTE DEDICATION TO DUTY, the integrity & belief in doing something more important and bigger than ourselves. These were the men that flew the Electronic Gooney Birds. Many are gone, but in my mind never forgotten. God Bless, Joe "Jungle Joe" Reynolds James Email Address: jjreynolds41(at) Postal Address: 357 CR 5720 Castroville, TX 78009 James J. "Jungle Joe" Reynolds Joe's Web-Site: Bow Hunt Texas
Received from: Robert Cleckler, Prattville, Alabama.
Robert says, I was assigned to the 361st Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron from November 2, 1968 until July, 1969. I was assigned as NCOIC, Squadron Operations. |
Received from: Ed Parker.
Jim, Glad I was reading my VFW magazine this morning. Seeing the, EC-47 reunion message brought back a flood of memories. I have only gone through the first guest book but found it very helpful. I was with the, 361st TEWS from 12-67 through, 9-69. In the first guest book, I noticed a note from, Col. Paul Arnett. He was a 2nd Lt. when I met him, I was an E-4 Airman at the time. When I arrived in Nha Trang, I was a recip. mechanic. I became a, Flight Engineer after being there approx. 8 months. I plan on spending a lot of time on your web site. Thanks, Ed Parker Updated: August 16th, 2005 Arrived Nha Trang Dec.-67' just in time for the big New Year's Eve party thrown by the other guys. Spent first few months as a crew chief and then became a Flight Engineer. I flew with several crews and made one IRAN trip to Tiawan. Ed's Email Address: azed13(at) Postal Address: P.O. Box 2199 Show Low, AZ 85902 |
Received from: Larry A. Thompson, Butler, Pennsylvania
Larry say's I was with the 6994th Security Squadron at NKP and Ubon as an Airborne Morse Systems Operator, 1973-74. This is a great website! My hat is off to J.C. and all who labor to maintain it. I arrived at NKP in Nov.of 73 and was transfered to Ubon in early 74. Although my association with the 94th was brief, I am still proud of her mission of that day and the people who made it happen! I am honored to have been part of it. |
Received from: William J. "Bill" Schlafke
Bill say's, I was an E-4 with the 362nd Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Danang in 1971-72. I was a Flight Mechanic SEFE. Great website, I have alot of good and bad memories but we were the best. That's both men and machine. Hope to hear from many of my time. |
Received from: Paul Hohle, son of Major T. Victor Hohle,
Paul writes, my father served as an EC-47 navigator from December of 1968 to late 1969. He served most of his tour with the 361st TEWS in Nha Trang, but he was also stationed in Pleiku and Cam Ranh Bay. He survived well over a hundred missions as an EC-47 navigator. Prior to this he flew thousands of hours as a special missions navigator in Burma, Thailand, India, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and many other countries. I regret to inform you that my father was murdered by street thugs in Austin, Texas in November of 1997. Please inform my father's colleagues of his passing. I am also interested in hearing from those who remember my father.
Paul Hohle |
Received From: Lee Vandergriff, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Lee writes, I flew as a Navigator on the EC-47's in 1972 at Tan Son Nhut and at NKP. I got home before Christmas after being injured in a crash in November. You can read Lee's Memories of the Crash of Baron 56 by clicking here. Baron 56 |
Received from: Jack C. Cummings, Bellevue, Washington.
Jack writes; I was a Captain assigned to the 360th TEWS at Tan Son Nhut. I was in country from Sep. 66 to Sep. 67 and flew 144 missions in 925:30 hours. I was first crewed to fly shot gun with Bob Graham and Allen (Andy) Anderson, Navigator. Later I had my own crew with Joe Fetlock as shot gun and Jim Pate, Navigator. Most flights were from TNS and Hue Phu Bia with occasional flights out of Pleiku or DaNang. Jim Jelley and Al Horn were the commanders and Al Stein and Larry Thompson Jr. were the operation officers during my tour. |