Received from Alfredo 'Al' M. Martinez Austin, Tx writes:
I flew in EC-47's out of Pleiku and Nha Trang sitting in the USAFSS seat.
Received from Dave Thomas Indiana |
Received from Carl G. Corvin
Carl writes: I at TSN and was assigned to the 460th AMS, part of 377th CSW. I worked the Navigation systems (TACAN, Radar, ADF, VOR/ILS) on just about every EC-47 aircraft there from 05 Sept 1970 until 05 Sept 1971. That time is now viewed as a page from another happier era, regardless of the war situation. This from the perspective of almost 30 years! I retired from the Air Force in June 1987 as a SMSgt. I was proud to serve and time has not dimmed that PRIDE! The C-47s were and still are beautiful airplanes. |
Received from John R. Devitt
John writes that he was a Lt.Col and Cheif of Stan/Eval with the 362nd TEWS at Pleiku from 20 September 1966 to 14 September 1967. Updated, 7 July, 2001. John says, I was assigned to the 460th Tactical Reconniasance Wing at Tan Son Nhut beginning in September, 1966. I was then assigned to the 362nd Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Pleiku from December, 1966 to September 1967 as Chief of Stan/Eval. John's Email Address: [email protected] |
Received from Keith W. "Bud" Langley
Bud writes, I was part of a crew to pick up an aircraft at Grenier Field New Hampshire for the trip over, one of the last to the squadron. Bud flew 153 missions with the same Front End Crew. He is also responsible for the poem, "TEWS TIGER" in the first 361st yearbook, 1966-68. Thanks Bud. |
Received from: Lester C. Layman Jr., San Antonio, Texas
Les writes, I was assigned to Det 1, 460th, TSN in Apr 66 to be the first 1st Sgt of the 360th Recon Sq from May 66 to Apr 67(Later it bcame TEWS). We were given barracks space in the "800" Area - next to the flight line area where helicopters used to land with wounded crew members or "pickups" for immediate transfer to the local 92d military hosp. The 2 story barracks were designed for 50-60 men - we had 40 to a floor and sometimes more. Memories include getting beds and mattresses from the old French Theater off of Lei Tai Do (first right after 100 "pee" alley as it was commonly called), and the wall lockers were at various Army "Dumps" around Saigon (those "mothers" came in two boxes (box 2 contained all the screws, nuts and bolts, keys and drawers) and weighed a "ton." We set up a production line on the barracks floors and had "specialists" working on each part of the locker. No aircraft (other than the 2 Det 1 Drill Press EC-47s) so the maintenance guys had nothing to do. The latrine area for 8 barracks had 10 showers, 14 sinks, 6 toilets - all for 640 enlisted plus!! Water would go off for days at a time and you had to find secret places to "do your business" (I had a key to the bathroom in the Hq460th Bldg). You could always tell a new guy in the showers - he would lather his whole body with soap!! We later would use the latrines of the 460th CES - they had hotwater and allowed us to use their facilities from 1am to 5 am. When the acft started arriving, we got their landing times in the clear from the PI - then met them with cab trucks to take them to the parking area. Jim Jelley and I hunted for hotels to bed down the officers arriving - found one being built just outside the main gate on Lei Tai Do and Col Jelley worked with procurement to line it up to be the 360th Officer Qtrs. We had "Nung" guards on top of the hotel all night to protect the facility. Their furniture (chairs, desks etc, were made for "little people" and didn't hold up very well. Of more interest was the fact that the Secty of Defense said we had no 50 yr old pilots in "Nam - We had 4 of them in the 360th. Our Ops, Maintenance and Orderly room were on the active taxiway and we used to have A1Es turn around on the PSP in front of the buildings. Our latrin facilities consisted of outhouses set over a ditch adjacent to the Ops Bldg. We got toilet seats from Supply and put them over the round holes to give everyone that "hometown" feeling!! You have a great site and I could go on and on about the bedding down of the 360th, briefing incoming crews, sending crews to set up the 361st and 362d, etc. Only E-5s and below could eat in the Mess Hall and the NCO Club would take you hrs standing in line to eat, so We used to eat over at the USAFSS area (they had a club set up and the best food on TSN!) I ended my career as the Exec to the DC/Intel in USAFE - retired in 1977 and went to work for the 7113th SAS in Weisbaden. Would enjoy hearing from old original 360th folks. Some belong to the TSN organization. |
Received from: James Padgett (via Fred Sanders)
James was a Flight Mechanic with the 360th TEWS at Tan Son Nhut in 1967-68. He also spent some time at Pleiku and Phu Bai. James does not have email and is living in McConnels, South Carolina. |
Received from Billy J. Stahl, New Braunfels, Texas
Updated July 16th, 2008 Billy writes, I was a navigator in the 360th TEWS at Saigon. I arrived in country during the TET of '68. The web page looks great. See you at the reunion in September. Bill's Email Address is: bstahl001 (at) Postal Address : 511 Gatewood Circle New Braunfels, TX 78130-2566 Phone: (830) 632-6711 Bill |
Received from Charlie Zychalski, Scott AFB, Illinois
Charlid writes, I was a co-pilot assigned to the 361 TEWS at NKP from Feb 73 until Dec 73 when about 20 of us were roll backed. I am currently stationed at Scott AFB with 3 other folks who were at NKP/Ubon at the same time..we are all colonels approaching 30. I will retire 23 May 2000 with 29 years and move to Sacramento Ca. There are not too many of us left on active duty...the folks at Scott are Rick Fitzhugh, Bill Schless and Dave Zielger. Someone may remember Bill Schless and his crew when they took a 37MM in their left wing tip that put about a 6 foot hole in the wing around March of 73...I believe Maj Martinez was the AC. I know Bill has pics of that. Also, Mark Pillar was there at the same time...Mark just made BG in the Reserves. |
Received from Michael 'Mike' Murray, Magnolia, Deleware
Mike writes, I was a SSgt and an AMS at Danang and Ubon from June 1972 to June 1973. Says he flew 200+ missions on the EC-47's and worked in the Day shopwith TSgt John Stroud. He was at Ubon when Baron 52 went down. Received 07-25-00, from: Michael W. Murray, Magnolia, Delaware Mike says, I was Stationed at DaNang and Ubon with Det, 6994th and Det3, 6994th. I was in Southeast Asia in 1972 and 1973. I was Airborne Mission Supervisor Great memories..Retired from Ft. Meade (ran the CY200 Cryptologic Supervisors Course at the fanex and am retiring to Double dipper status from Post Office 1 Aug. Plan to make trip to Texas in September for EC47 reunion and rededication. Mikes Email Address is: SmsgtMike(at) |
Received from Earl L. Fischer, Tacoma Washington
I was in the second ground school class [May 66] to join PHYLLIS ANN at Hurlburt. I became a member of the 360th at Ton Son Nhut July 5, 1966. This is a great website. Was hoping to find something like this but had no idea so much effort was put into it. Anyone out there who was in the 360th at the same time I was? If so please reference 360th in your email greeting. |
Received from Ed Christie, Lakeville, CT
It's hard to believe I've found a web site from Project Phyllis Ann. A pilot from the 361st steered me here from another web site. I arrived Tan Son Nhut April 15,'66. Assigned to 360th Recon Sq., later changed to 360th TEWS. Was assigned to supply for a couple weeks because we didn't have any aircraft.I remember Tsgt Mathews, Msgt Layman, Art Kelly, Joe Schuster, Hank Pratt, Wesley Pichler, Robert Hooks, Watkins, Jessie Nicely who fell off a motorcycle in Saigon returning back to the base. I visited him in the Hospital & rotated U.S. the next day. Who was the flt mech we called Ho Chi Minh? He kept extending. Remember the dog we had named I.W.Harper? What a group! We spent many nights sleeping on the PSP waiting for the returns. Dec.4th'66 was a black day. Then we got mortared Dec6'66. Spent time TDY at Danang. Remember the rats that ran under the wooden pallets in the tent? We had the first mascot sign over the tent entrance. I haven't even finished reading the site info yet. Saw something about a re-union. When, when, when, I'll be there. Looking forward to talking over old times with ya'll. |
Received from Alan D. 'Al' Forbes, North Agusta, SC
Hi. I was at Danang with the 6924th in 65-66 and went back and served with the 6994th at TSN/NKP in 72-73. I worked with the ACC at MACV HQ with Stoney, Joe Mudd, Willie Irizarry, Joe Dykes, etc..... Have lost touch with most of the people I knew there and would like to hear from them (not just the ACC'ers, but the backenders too). After I retired from the AF in 79, I went to school for 3 years and the worked for NSA until my retirement in Dec 98. I was still in Saigon, waiting for clearance to go to NKP, when Baron 52 was downed. We finally made it to NKP Feb 10th, in time for the memorial services at the base chapel. I did not know Dale, Todd, Pete or Joe personally but we had a lot of mutual friends (to include Ron Myott and Ron Schofield). I continue to wear a POW/MIA bracelet with Todd Melton's name on it. The reason I am signing the guestbook is that I am looking for information. My son-in-law is an artist and I am trying to get him to do a picture for me in memory of Baron-52's backenders. My initial idea is to have a centralized picture of a camouflaged EC-47 and surround it with other bits of information. My one question is, I understand that the serial number of the aircraft was 43-48636 and am I correct in assuming that the last three digits were the ones that appeared on the tail of the aircraft????? Any additional information would be greatly appreciated. When/if the project is ever completed, I will get a picture of the final work and scan it into your website to be included in with the memorabilia, if you think it is appropriate. Thanks and take care. We seem to be fading into the past, I will turn the BIG 60 this year!!!!! This is a great website that brings back a lot of memories (mostly good ones). CUL8R Al Forbes Al's Email Address: adforbe(at)
Received from Dwight Hartung, Jefferson City, Missouri
Dwight flew with the 6994th SS at Tan Son Nhut, July 69 to July 70. Dwigth's Email Address: ikehp9(at)
Received from: George C. Jernigan III, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
George writes in the guestbook, Just wanted to say "Hi". I was in the 362nd TEWS, at Pleiku, from July 69, until they PCSed the squadron to Da Nang in May, or June, of 1970. I DEROSed in early July. I'm originally from Rector, Arkansas, but live in Southeast Indiana as a result of my work. I retired from the USAF in 1988. There are two more EC drivers working for the same company I work for. I believe OZ Ostrosny was in the 361st; while Don Brown was at NKP. I'll let them know about this site. I'll check in from time to time with an "Ops Normal". George Jernigan Georges Email Address is: georon(at)
Received from Wayne H. Thompson, Ottawa, IL & Pueblo, CO
A very good site. I was at Danang in the 362nd TEWS from 03/72 thru 01/73. Col.Richard Herman was the Commander and I was the Operations Officer. I flew 540 hours in 11 months and most others flew more. I spotted at least 6 people on your guestlist who were there when I was. We endured many rocket attacks and several of our people were air-evacted to the Phillipines. Our Detachment suffered a fatality and is mentioned in the Guest comments as well. It took me about six months to stop reacting to noise after my return. I cannot help but wonder what the fate was for our Vietnamese employees. Maj Wayne H. Thompson (Ret) USAF |
Received from Bob Molder, Severna Park, MD
I was stationed at Det 2 Pleiku and then Danang-- 70 & 71 as a 207x1, ARDF Operator. Great sight and brought back a lot of memories. It was interesting to see 2Lt. Stan Marks picture. I worked for Lt.Col Marks (one in the same) He retired in 1986 and took a job as a pilot for an airline. Bob's Email Address: [email protected]
Received from Bob Dwyer, Stockton, CA
Bob says, I was assigned to Det 2 6994SS at Pleiku from 2 Nov 66 to 31 Oct 67 as a 29271 E6. Flew my first msn on 26 Dec 66 and completed 131 missions. My X/Y partner on most of these were with Jeff Bols. Capt Short was the CO, Thad Wolfe was the Ops Officer and SMS AC Chamblee was the OPs NCOIC. We had a great bunch of guys initially assigned with a lot of experience in USAFSS operations. Despite a few missions running into ground-fire, we all managed to thankfully complete our tours in one piece. Until about March 67, Pleiku City was on-limits till 11pm with an abundance of cultural activities available including bars, temples, restaurants (?), bars, and MORE! Some participated and some didn't, to each his own. When the powers-that-be put the town off-limits, the partying either moved to the barracks, NCO club or "Irvings Inn (?)" across the street from the barracks. Many times I can remember the poker table set up on the 2nd floor day-room for a little diversion. Usually, these sessions included Archie Marsden, Ben David, Charlie (CK) Davis and Mike Wilson as regulars. Lots of partying but I cannot recall ANYONE ever missing a briefing including the 0400 missions. I retired in 1974 while stationed at the 6903 (Skivvy-Nine) SS at Osan and I will always regard the guys and our accomplishments at Det 2 as the highlight of my career. Running across your website on EC-47 ops was a complete surprise and jacked-up my morale tremendously. My thanks for your efforts and I'll be a regular visitor. Have hit some USAFSS sites but still looking for a few I haven't heard from in many years including Bob Tucker, JJ Pitzeruse, Johnny Resertar and Lee Heying. Any info would be appreciated. Tks |
Received from Thomas 'Tom' Pickett, Auroro, CO.
Thom was a Major, and a Navigator with the 360th TEWS at Tan Son Nhut from December 1969 until December 1970. He had additional duties as Instructor and in Scheduling. Tom's Email Address is: [email protected]
Received from Dallace Meehan, Lady Lake, Florida
Dallace writes, I served with the 362nd (Pleiku) from November 1966 - November 1967. Left without a scratch, but some hairy memories. I was a navigator, and flew with at least two regular crews the first of which was Lt. Col. Ken Rollins (The Ancient Mariner), with Major Rusty Keay as co-pilot. Best flight mech. ever, SSgt (later retired as CMS) Wayne Simmons was our mainstay. Went from Nam directly to Wiesbaden, Germany, where I continued to fly special ops of a different sort. Now retired in central Florida, and command the Retired Military Family Group of The Villages. If this rings a bell, call me at (352) 750-0625 or e-mail. Also ran an unofficial tavern at Pleiku ... known as "DalMac's" named for myself and co-operator, Major Jim McGrath, pilot. No charge for drinks, but donations were graciously accepted. (As were left-over liquid supplies upon one's DEROS.) Cheers to all ... Dallace |
Received from Frank Bregger, Austin, Texas
Frank left a note in the guestbook. He says he was in the 361st TEWS at Nha Trang from Feburary 1967 until a few days after TET 68. |
Received from Russell Morrison Jr. from Indiana
Russell writes, I flew EC-47 at DaNang Viet Nam and NKP Thailand in 1970-1971 as AC and IP. At one point I had the most productive mission ever flown from Thailand. Russell's Email Address: r-jmorrison(at) |