Reunion 2003 - EC-47 Association
Notice: There have been
130 Rooms set aside for our folks.
From All Directions They Come.
Number of folks registered as of September 11th, 143
We're Looking for You to Join Us.
"" L@@K, Getting Close, Just ""
The Air Force Concert Band will be playing at the Banquet Dinner on Thursday Evening. |
Check Site Directory.

This is a Sample of the Nametags for those Pre-registered, Get you registration form
completed and send it in today.
All personnel directly involved with the EC-47 and it's Mission and or their
families, are invited and urged to attend this reunion.
Click here for the Planning Calendar. - - - May not work with all Browsers.
The Location will be at Dayton Ohio and the Air Force Museum. The dates
are September 16th, 17th and 18th. Keep checking back here,
further details will be posted as they are firmed up. A list of folks
that will be entering Wright/Patterson AFB will need to be provided to
Base Personel 3 Days in Advance, so please send you registration form to
me as soon as you can so this list will be as complete as possible.
Thanks, J.C.
Rick Yeh is again trying to get an idea of how many folks would like to try and get in a round of golf during the reunion. I will leave this in the capable hands of Rick, but will do the posting on this page and sending a mass email to all in my address book. If you would like to play a round of golf, contact Rick directly at: - [email protected] Thanks, J.C.
Click Here for Duffers List
The Best Western, conviently located near WPAFB and the Air Force Museum
has again been selected as the site of the 2003 Reunion. There has been a block
of 130 rooms reserved for Tuesday, Wenesday and Thursday, September 16th,
17th and 18th. The cost of the rooms, are $65.95 plus 12% Tax, for up to four
persons per room. All rooms do have a safe for stowing any valuables.
There is one (1) room available for special needs, such as easy access
for those requiring a wheel chair.
The cut off date for firm reservations for these rooms is August 16th, 2003.
Make your reservations as early as possible to assure yourself that you
will have one of these reserved rooms.
Contact Information:
Victoria Urmey, General Manager
Todd Muncy, Front Office Manager
Best Western Wright Patterson
800 N. Broad Street
Fairborn, Ohio 45324
Phone: (937) 879-3920
Fax: (937) 879-3896
Remember to tell them you are with The EC-47 Association Reunion,
scheduled for September 16th 17th and 18th of 2003.
In case of questions/problems, ask to speak with either
Todd Muncy, Front Office Manager of Victoria Urmy, General Manager.
While The Primary accomodations are the Best Western the Comfort Inn, next to the
Best Western is holding 29 rooms for us to cover any overflow rooms. These rooms
are basically the same rate as the Best Western. { Best Western $65.95 plus tax.
Comfort Inn $66.00 plus tax. } The Comfort Inn is located next door to the Best
Western at 616 North Broad Street.
Phone Number: (937) 879-7666.
Fax Number: (937) 879-7645
The General Manager is Theresa Umbdenstock
The Assistant General Manager is Cheryl Dillon.
Be sure and tell them you are with the EC-47 Association.
Jim Coffman sent these directions for getting to the Best Western.
To reach the Best Western coming from the airport, from the north on I-75,
or from the West on I-70: (1.) Take I-70 East until you reach exit 41. (2.)
Turn South on Route 4 (235) to Chambersburg road. (3.) Turn Ease on
Chambersburg road (235) to 444. (4.) Turn right at the signal light
(that will be Broad Street/444. The Best Western will be approximately 75
yards ahead on the left. 800 N. Broad Street. Phone: 879-3920
To reach the Best Western coming into Dayton from the East on I-70:
(1.) Take I-70 west to exit 44 (675). (2.) Go South on 675 to exit 24 (444).
(3.) Go Southwest on 444 to where 235 crosses. (4.) When you go through the
signal light, 444 is also Broad Street, The Best Western is approximately
75 yards ahead on the left. 800 N. Broad Street. Phone: 879-3920
To reach the Best Western coming into Dayton from the South on I-75:
Coming North on I-75, (1.) Take exit 43 (675) (2.) Go to exit 22 approximately
22 miles, exit 22 is 235/Xenia Ave. (3.) Go Northwest on 235 (Xenia Ave)
to Broad Street. (4.) Turn right on Broad Street, the Best Western is
approximately 1/2 mile ahead on the right (800 N. Broad St.) Phone: 879-3920.
There are other lodging facilities throughout the Dayton area for those
wishing to find their own. Due to the number, locations and quality, no
information is supplied for theses facilities.
J.C. |
{{ Work past here subject to only minor changes. }}
Monday, September 15th,
The reunion check in/reception will be held in the Hospitality Room at the Best
Western beginning on Monday afternoon at 15:00 for early checkins and will continue
until 22:00, refreshments served.
Tuesday, September 16th,
The reunion check in/reception will be held in the Hospitality Room at the Best
Western beginning Tuesday Morning at 08:00 and will continue until 22:00.
Refreshments served.
{{ "Museum Back Shop Tour Is ON" }}
We were Successful, A SPECIAL Back Shop Tour has been set-up just for our EC-47 group
at the Museum. It is limited to a maximum of 60 people. It will begin at 1 PM on Tuesday,
the 16th and lasts an hour and a half. For those attending, you must get on the list as
early as possible as it will be on a first come, first served basis and there will only
be ONE (1) tour.
The Back Shop is where the museum exhibit restoration work is being done. If you would like
to take this tour, let me know as soon as you can for head count an planning and
co-ordination with the folks at the museum.
, register for the tour only if you are sure you will make it. This will allow room
for those that are sure everyone has a chance. To get on the list, just send me an email
and I will get you on the list. Remember, we are strictly limited to a group of 60.
A correction here, There was a mis-understanding about the bus. The Museum
only has the bus service for the regularly scheduled Friday Tours. We will have
to provide our own transportation. This should pose no problem as we were going to
have to do that to get to the museum anyhow.
NOTE: this was moved from Wednesday to Tuesday to allow
more folks to arrive before the re-dedication ceremony.)
Wednesday, September 17th,
The reunion check in/recption will continue from 08:00 until 22:00 with refreshments served.
Wednesday may include individual tours of the Air Force Museum, with other
attractions and activities under consideration, possibly a round of Golf at one of
three courses available, a visit to the Packard Motor Car Museum, The Wright
Brothers Bicycle shop etc.. Shopping at the Dayton Mall??
Wednesday will also see the Re-Dedication Ceremony of the Bronze Plaque located
on the Museum Grounds at 13:00 hours. Dedicated to those we lost by those who returned. We will
also be presenting to the Museum, a framed Scott Allbee work of the Last EC-47 Mission retuning
to Ubon Thailand on May 15th, 1974. Truly, the End of an Era.
{{ "The C-47 Fly-Over Is ON" }}
This ceremony will begin at 13:00 hours. At 13:15 hours, we will have the C-47 Fly-Over
as we had in 2002..
NOTE:The Re-Dedication Ceremony was moved from Tuesday
to Wednesday to allow more folks to arrive before the re-dedication ceremony.
As of today July 29th, the flyover possibility is looking good.
Thursday, September 18th,
For A Printable Evening ScheduleClick Here
The hospitality room will be open from 08:00 until 16:30 hours.
Thursday from 15:00 to 16:30, a meeting of The EC-47 Association will be held to discuss
further reunion ideas, select the date and location for the next reunion and select the
next slate of officers of The EC-47 Association. This meeting will be held in the Hospitality
All attendees considered members. The only membership requirements is direct association
with the EC-47 Mission and the Desire to be included. This is a "No Dues
The Reunion Banquet, a Plated Dinner will be held at 18:00 hours in the Modern
Flight Hanger, WPAFB, seating capacity, 450. Serving will be at 18:30 hours.
Thursday Evening Banquet. The Air Force Concert Band will be
providing the Live Music for us.
Menu Selections, Choose One.
Menu Selection 1.
Subject to Change.
Classic Tossed Caesar with Herbed Croutons and Parmaesan Cheese.
Sliced Filet Mignon with Bearnaise Sause.
Roasted New Potatoes, and Chef's Vegetables.
Freshly Baked Rolls with Butter.
Chocolate Mousse.
Coffee & Tea Service.
Menu Selection 2.
Subject to Change.
Chopped Crisp Romaine Tossed with Tiny Shrimp and Tarragon Vinaigrette.
Baked Cod Filet with Herbed Bread Crumbs and Bearnaise
served with Wild Rice Pilaf and Chef's Vegetables.
Warm Apple Pie with Ice Cream.
Freshly Baked Rolls with Butter.
Coffee & Tea Service.
Friday Sept, 19th,
Friday will open with a Breakfast at Damon's Restaurant in the same building
as the Best Western, 800 N. Broad Street. This will also serve as the time
for the last goodbyes as we prepare to leave for the trip home.
The Breakfast Buffet
--------------------- Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Sausage,
Home Fries, Toast, Biscuits and Gravy. |
Please, Click here for registration form.
Reasons to attend the Reunion, from a one of ours who was shot down in
Cap 53 on April 22, 1970 only to be shot down again in the rescue Helicopter
and Survived Both.
As is look back on the 2002 reunion, I have such fond memories of the great
re-bonding we had.
I also have a sense of urgency in letting others know , We must see each
other ASAP.
Everyones clock is ticking!!!!!!!
We all think we are invincible. ""We'll go next year"
If you go next year and I'm sick, we will miss each other.
If I go next year and you are sick - - - - - - -\
If you go next year and I'm Dead - - - - - - - SOUNDS ROUGH BUT some of
us are not here that were here last year!!!!!!!!
Please pass this on to the membership
I don't want to MISS any of you.
Danny Russell 69-70 Pleiku and Da Nang
Any Updates, Additions, and/or Changes will be posted here as soon as practical/possible
so check back often. Thanks, J.C.