TEWS Mission Photos
Photos of Patches, Planes and Crew
Courtesy George Montague and Joe Martin
Unit Patch of the 718 TEWS, VNAF
Provided by Chon T. Pham, Navigator
Chon was one of the First Six Vietnamese sent to the 360th TEWS in
early 1972 to be trained on the EC-47s. His instructor was Major Pannel
"The Common Denominator to all Missions.
None flew without the M-38."
2 Patches on Lt. provided by "David Steiner" - - - Rt. by "Robert Wilhelm"
Patches not available on "my early tour".
Most Photos Below are from Nha Trang 1966/67
Lt. Col. Hinkle Major Lagasse Capt. Harris, "Great Crew"
Looking out from 361st Operations ------------- One of ours on a Mission.
My passport photo 1966 -- Today, 32 years later, 1998
Looking west from 361st Operations.
Left is EC-47, Moon Over Cambodia, Courtesy of Lt. Col. David Steiner
Right is, Returning from Last EC-47 Mission in SEA, May 15, 1974.
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