A Special Email Received November 9th, 2008.

Sarge; For some reason my software is telling me that I cannot open any place on your "History Denied" web site. So I am unable to leave this message on the site.

You may want to bring to the attention of your group the November issue of The Officer Magazine - produced by MOAA. Their feature story "Memory Survives" is the story of the lives of 4 military widows, one from each - WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the War on Terror.

The widow of the Vietnam War featured is Mary Kay Olson, the surviving spouse of Major Robert Eugene Olson, pilot of CAP 72, listed in the video you produced on the web site. It is a fitting tribute to her and to her husband.

For those who do not have access to The Officer Magazine - it is on the MOAA Web site.

You should be very proud of the Web Site you created - a job well done. But then remember - it is the Master Sergeants who have all the brains in the AF. (grin)

Norm Campbell, MSgt, USAF (Retired) WWII, Korea and Vietnam
ne obliviscaris (never forget

Click HERE to read the article..

