Dear Sir, My name is Tai Tang, a fanatic modeler who loves C-47 the most during the Vietnam War. Your website makes me coming back to the old days when I was living in Nhatrang one block right next to Me Linh Street. The house of Mrs. Hutchings which you depict is one block next to my old house then. Me Linh Street was notorious for the VC mortar attacks one afternoon. Few houses were gone by that bombing with casualties. I had lived in Nhatrang for 8 years, from 1963 to 1971, and 4 years at Nguyen Tuong Tam Street. I love your site so much that I almost browse it everyday to look at those nostalgia photos of the past. Tears come down with sadness and regrets. I love the huge fantastic photo of the EC-47 right in front of your web page so much and it is so perfect that I decide to complete it into my file. However, there is a scrolling foreground, I could not do anything to pick up that photo separately. Therefore, I would like to ask for your permission to save that photo for my modeling album and your instruction on how to save it would be very much appreciated. Thank you very much in advance for your assistance and permission and please keep this website forever no matter how, in order to remember the huge and honored sacrifice of all American airmen who came to help us in our own country in so many years. Sadly, things turned out to be the worst and we needed to abandon our own country to survive. In the other hand, the USAF showed us the most wonderful air power and aircraft of the world. I started my fanatic modeling of all kinds of US aircraft used in the war since then. Happy Holidays, Jimmy Tai Tang |