Name: Danilo
Estrella Website: None Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Missouri Time: 1998-12-08 05:38:00 Comments: US ARMY/Retired Infantryman |
Name: William
ShortyPettit Jr Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: North Dakota Time: 1998-12-07 06:54:00 Comments: I was in the 360th TRW in 1967-1968 I am well aware of the missions of the EC-47 and outstanding dedacation everyone in my outfit gave to the Nam. Out of all the aircraft I remember is balls 9. She was a good girl and gave her all for America. In the time I was there she never missed a flight. I am proud for what I did for my country in Nam |
Name: larry
j. cromer Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: lytle,tex Time: 1998-12-06 16:35:00 Comments: got your url from ftv latest book and deceided to check u out. i was in command from feb 55(ashiya,japan)until i retired in 1977 from kelly. i was a 292 then 202. in v.nam i was ams on drill press and phillys ann. was at phubui when tet came aabout. got out as soon as we could and went to pleiku and continued to fly our mission from there. left there in 68. the name of one of our goonys was BIG JEAN last 3 digits were 068 i think. |
Name: Sandy Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Yuma,AZ Time: 1998-11-29 09:50:00 Comments: nice website |
Name: Bill
Knight Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Stoneville, North Carolina Time: 1998-11-29 04:32:00 Comments: Hello J.C, Just found your page and throughly enjoyed it. I only spent four years in AF- from 1962-1966 but have more fond memories than bad memories. Went from Lackland to tech school in data processing at Sheppard and then to Warner Robins, Georgia where I stayed until my enlistment was up. I joined the AF to travel but Georgia was as far as I got. I am a schoolteacher. Am also a ham - KB4AMP. just operate 2 meters. Thanks for this enjoyable page and for the great links that you provide. Are you possibly on ICQ. If so, maybe can chat sometime. Have a great day. Bill |
Name: Robin
Moreno Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Massachusetts Time: 1998-11-29 02:02:00 Comments: I just wanted to take a minute to tell you that I think your web page is incredible. I looked over quite a bit of it and thought it was very imaginative and creative and also will be insightful for future airmen. I recently got out (honorably) of the AF in 1995 after being in for 8 1/2 years. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the AF. I was in the Supply Squadron working in several sections over the years. I spent 4 years at Aviano AB Italy which was absolutley spectacular. From there I went on to a more challenging assignment at Osan AFB Korea. Totally different experience. Then onto Edwards AFB,California for 3 1/2 years. Now I'm back home in Massachusetts working as an office manager, not quite as exciting or rewarding though. Anyway I thought I would take a minute to commend you on your web page and to let you know it made me reflect on my years in the AF. Never regret a second. Take care of yourself.... |
Name: Andrew
Saywell Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Carmel, Indiana Time: 1998-11-28 07:37:00 Comments: Guess this could be where "old" meets the new. I'm a college student, but i'm enlisting in the United States Air Force in January, and could only hope to have as great a career as you have had. I plan on working this summer and going to basic in the fall, wish me luck i guess....I would appreciate any information or support you might have, or anyone else reading this comment. |
Name: Larry
Barker Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Tennessee Time: 1998-11-28 03:18:00 Comments: Nice page I was assigned to Phan Rang Air Base as a C-123 recip. engine mech I was there Jan 71-72 |
Name: Kathie Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1998-11-28 00:55:00 Comments: Dad, I just got through looking at your web page. I looked at everything and read most of it. I read all the comments in your guest book. You did a great job. Some of it made me cry. All of it made me proud! How about giving your kids equal billing with your pets. Ha. Ha. I love you. Kathie |
Name: Bill
Christian Website: General comments Referred by: From a Friend From: Baltimore Time: 1998-11-25 14:03:00 Comments: Spent 3 tours in Vietnam, Nhatrang 7-67 to 6-68, Danang 9-70 to 4-72, head SEFE in Danang, 376 combat missions, 2DFCs, many air medals. Responsible for testing 38 in Grenier after returning from Nhatrang (Major Eddy nav and myself the RO) in 1969 (give or take a year). Many memories and many happenings during that time. As time goes on I will try to relive some of those. I remember when I left in 1973 only a few had flown over 400missions, Mike Presslar, Art Silvin, Don Boston, and Mike Wilson. I never made that goal!! |
Name: Dick
Wheelock Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Chehalis, WA Time: 1998-11-25 05:07:00 Comments: I flew aboard an C-47 (EC-47 ?) in Korea in 1955. It was a listening platform with three Russian Language Specs and two Chinese Language Specs. The program was called Blue Sky. The missions were flown by the 6149 Tactical Control Squadron with the Linguists from 15th RSM Det 2. The missions were flown out of K14 - Kimpo on a daily basis monitoring the activities in North Korea and the Port Arthur-Diaran area. |
Name: philip t.
niggle Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: indiana Time: 1998-11-25 02:20:00 Comments: lt. col. niggle was given his rank posthumously. plane 45-1133. i am his son . |
Name: BW Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Florida Time: 1998-11-24 16:38:00 Comments: I spent 1968 at Nha Trang, from TET until rotation. I worked on Black c-123's and later in transient alert. Be well. |
Name: Chuck
Semich Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Maryland Time: 1998-11-24 03:59:00 Comments: Flew crew on goonies in Korea (63-64) and Vietnam (Jan-May64). Was a linguist and think I may know you. |
Name: Hugh
Link Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Statesville,NC Time: 1998-11-24 01:19:00 Comments: Never crossed your path, but enjoyed your site. Hugh 6988th SS Yakota AB Japan, 1958-59. |
Name: Eugene
J. Willard Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Philadelphia Time: 1998-11-23 16:32:00 Comments: This is an outstanding site. Although I was never part of the EC-47 program, I have many friends who were, including Dave Eddy and Bill Christian and Neil Sides. Myself, I flew on and off from 61 until the end of 82, mainly on RC-135s and also on RC-130's. I was an AMS for 9 years, so I can appreciate the work done by the Gooney Bird crews. I will be forwarding your site to the Prop Wash Gang, a bunch of ex-USAFSS flyers. Expect to be hearing from them. |
Name: Patrick
J. Insignares Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Colombia, South America, Raised in Florida Time: 1998-11-22 16:39:00 Comments: I'm active duty AF MSgt, with two years left before I retire, I must say you've done a great job on your web page. I've started my own business to prepare for my retirement. AF has been good, but its time to move on. How have you enjoyed your retirement? |
Name: Walter
A. Kuchta Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Ohio Monroeville Time: 1998-11-21 19:57:00 Comments: We may have crossed paths. I worked on theEC47 at Danang 1972/3. I would like to hear about some of your tales while flying. Walt. |
Name: Bo
Gerbig Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Woodstock, Georgia Time: 1998-11-20 12:38:00 Comments: Just stumbled on to your web page and found some interesting names and places. Will get back with you when I have more time. Bo Gerbig, (CMS Ret) Assigned 61st TAS '69-'72 |
Name: Karin
Sagendorph Website: My page Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Lexington, Kentucky, USA Time: 1998-11-16 02:54:00 Comments: i enjoyed reading your page :) |
Name: Bunkee Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Calif. Time: 1998-11-14 04:34:00 Comments: Was member of 361st TEWS PHU CAT 71-72 aircraft mechanic. |
Name: Bob
Batchelar Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: San Jose, California Time: 1998-11-11 12:55:00 Comments: Just wanted to wish you well on this Veterans Day. I am getting ready to fire up the bike and ride down to watch the parade. Hope everyone is well and maintaining. Pass on my hellos to everyone. Bob Batchelar Danang 64-65 20250 Tonsonhut 66-67 A20250 (w/visits to Pleiku, NhaTrang,Phubai, and many others.... |
Name: Greg
Niggle Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Reynoldsburg, Ohio Time: 1998-11-11 02:20:00 Comments: The last picture I have of my Father was taken in Dec of 68. (He was a navigator)He is standing next to a sign which reads: 362 Tactical Electronic Warfare Sq Home of The Elderly Warriors He died in loas Feb of 69. Needless to say I read every word of your story twice! Thanks for bring Maj Harry T Niggle back for a few moments. Greg Niggle |
Name: Tina
Hanna Website: yahoo Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Hickory, NC Time: 1998-11-09 23:26:00 Comments: I am entering Basic Training Jan. 06 1999. I just wanted to see what your Air Force Career was like. |
Name: Donald
J. Luke Website: Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook From: Tucson, AZ Time: 1998-11-09 02:11:00 Comments: Considering all of the modern aircraft in Vietnam, it's surprising to realize the role the old propeller driven antiques played. I worked on the AC47 at Danang, Nov 68-69. Your page is impressive. |
Name: wayne
d.binkley,tsgt,usaf[ret] Website: Referred by: Net Search From: nlr,ar Time: 1998-11-06 18:33:00 Comments: we may indeed have crossed paths and probably have friends or aquaintances in common.i was in the 779th at pope64-66,61stat sewart67-68,556rcs yokota 68.345th at cck 68-73,61tas,lrafb73-75.ret aug 77. if you are interested here is a good mailing subscribe send email to [email protected] inthe body of the message,subscribe c130mail. or go to regards wayne d. |
Name: Heaher Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: N.Y. Time: 1998-11-06 16:36:00 Comments: I really liked your story |
Name: Ruben
Nalchagyan Website: server Referred by: Yahoo! From: Armenia Time: 1998-11-06 06:16:00 Comments: I'm very interested to lern more about U.S. Airforse |
Name: Tony
Veta Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Macedonia Time: 1998-11-04 14:55:00 Comments: I want to join air force.My country has no air force .Is it posible to join US airforce,and if it is please give me more informations how. |
Name: Josh
Flippo Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Arkansas Time: 1998-11-03 16:53:00 Comments: I would like to know do you ever regret joining the air force,becouse i'm getting ready to join so i wanted to know Thanks Josh |
Name: Mike
Keller Website: N/A Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Air Force Brat Time: 1998-11-03 14:48:00 Comments: Nice to trip across your site. I was a 1Lt. Nav in the 362nd from Nov 67 to Nov 68. Only claim to fame was being the second owner of DelMac's pub. Many nights of evil doings at DelMac's includiing several closures and complaints from the chaplin. More to follow if you are interested. Thanks for setting up the page. I know where a few of the guys are but not many. Mike Keller |
Name: George
J. Draper Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Media, Pa. Time: 1998-11-03 12:04:00 Comments: Still think it would help out if support personel were involved..Have a guy at work who was in SEA and tasked missions for Combat Cougar flights...he was with ASA...Good work keep it up..I have some old Spoke mags from the 1966/1968 period..will get them out and see if there are any articles you might be interested in... |
Name: Chris Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Indiana Time: 1998-10-30 16:07:00 Comments: Pretty cool man! |
Name: Robin
Kern Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Ohio Time: 1998-10-30 14:41:00 Comments: My 19 year old daughter is finishing her training and will be leaving in December for Lajes AFB. She will be there for 15 months and we are really nervous about it. Any info that anyone could share with us would be greatly appreciated. We are so grateful for the technology that allows us to find out info about her new life. Thanks for the site!! Robin |
Name: Robin
Kern Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Ohio Time: 1998-10-30 14:40:00 Comments: My 19 year old daughter is finishing her training and will be leaving in December for Lajes AFB. She will be there for 15 months and we are really nervous about it. Any info that anyone could share with us would be greatly appreciated. We are so grateful for the technology that allows us to find out info about her new life. Thanks for the site!! Robin |
Name: Jason
D.Glynn Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Las Vegas,Nevada Time: 1998-10-28 20:40:00 Comments: I would just like to say I respect you alot for serving in the Air Force. I'm 18 and getting ready to ship out to Basic Training at Lacklund AFB in San Antonio. I leave Nov 24. I'm going to be in Sec Forces. I'm really psyched about being in the Air Force. I believe serving in the military commands a certain respect and being a cop in the military is an added bonus. I hope I like it enough to career it. I'm not sure what I want to be later in life. I've been leaning towards something in law enforcement. But regardless, I'm glad to be in the Air Force. Thank you for taking the time to read this. |
Name: Bob
Bean Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Clarksville, Ar. Time: 1998-10-28 19:13:00 Comments: Hello J.C. Just a visit from your cousin. Your website looks good. |
Name: Rance
A. Nethken Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Northglenn, Colorado Time: 1998-10-28 14:00:00 Comments: Hi J.C. Retired from the Air Force in 1991. Assigned to Travis AFB in the 7th, 86th and 75th MAS. While TDY at Clark AB, P.I., flew support missions from Clark to Da Nang. C-130's were my primary aircraft while there. After returning to the US in 1973, was able to get assigned to "Fred", or in other words, the C-5A. Spent 4000 hours in the bird then was reasigned to the "Queen of the Skies"; the C-141A/B. I could really tell you stories on these missions; such as Jonestown, Grenada, Tel Aviv, and Kabal, Afganistan. Even though I am retired now, I still miss the sound of the engines and the smell of JP-4. Had lots of fun in the P.I. and will never forget my time in the air. |
Name: Rance
A. Nethken Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Northglenn, Colorado Time: 1998-10-28 14:00:00 Comments: Hi J.C. Retired from the Air Force in 1991. Assigned to Travis AFB in the 7th, 86th and 75th MAS. While TDY at Clark AB, P.I., flew support missions from Clark to Da Nang. C-130's were my primary aircraft while there. After returning to the US in 1973, was able to get assigned to "Fred", or in other words, the C-5A. Spent 4000 hours in the bird then was reasigned to the "Queen of the Skies"; the C-141A/B. I could really tell you stories on these missions; such as Jonestown, Grenada, Tel Aviv, and Kabal, Afganistan. Even though I am retired now, I still miss the sound of the engines and the smell of JP-4. Had lots of fun in the P.I. and will never forget my time in the air. |
Name: Rance
A. Nethken Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Northglenn, Colorado Time: 1998-10-28 14:00:00 Comments: Hi J.C. Retired from the Air Force in 1991. Assigned to Travis AFB in the 7th, 86th and 75th MAS. While TDY at Clark AB, P.I., flew support missions from Clark to Da Nang. C-130's were my primary aircraft while there. After returning to the US in 1973, was able to get assigned to "Fred", or in other words, the C-5A. Spent 4000 hours in the bird then was reasigned to the "Queen of the Skies"; the C-141A/B. I could really tell you stories on these missions; such as Jonestown, Grenada, Tel Aviv, and Kabal, Afganistan. Even though I am retired now, I still miss the sound of the engines and the smell of JP-4. Had lots of fun in the P.I. and will never forget my time in the air. |
Name: Zayd
Abdul-Salaam Website: Referred by: Geocities From: Houston, Tx. Time: 1998-10-28 11:12:00 Comments: Just looking for any info on my fathers whereabouts. USAF Neal B. Robinson. He was stationed from McConnel AFB to Thialand-Viet Nam between 1966-1972?. Any info would be appreciated. |
Name: Thorpe
Hamilton Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1998-10-26 00:02:00 Comments: REALLY GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Name: Ernest
L. Short Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: San Antonio, Texas Time: 1998-10-25 20:43:00 Comments: Great site. Your site brings back a lot of memories. I was assigned as the first Commander, Det 2, 6994th in the summer of 1966. Unfortunately when I arrived at Pleiku, I was the sole member of the Det. Thanks to Jack Crook (The only member of 362nd TEWS), who also had no aircraft, I felt right at home. I have a book titled "The Longest Year" which has all of the 362nd TEWS personnel during the 66-68 time period. |
Name: Max
Headroom Website: n/a Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Long Beach Time: 1998-10-25 12:12:00 Comments: I was just curiuos as to what other event's went on in Nam. |
Name: Dick
Aufiero Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Andover, MA Time: 1998-10-23 04:14:00 Comments: I'm a former crew chief with the 360th TEWS at Tan Son Nhut. The aircraft was a VC47 #44-77284. This site was recommended to me by Hank Cremer, one of the first crew chiefs of the 360th ('66-'67). This is a great site and brings back lots of memories. Keep it up!!! |
Name: Carly
Hawkins Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Illinois Time: 1998-10-22 03:13:00 Comments: I was looking for information on my grandfather's tour of service in Vietnam when I came across this page. I noticed that you flew in the mission "Phyllis Ann." My grandfather flew in "Patricia Lynn", and I was wondering if you knew where I could find, or if there is any, information about this on the web. Thanks!! -Carly |
Name: Aaron
Neibaur Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: American Falls, ID. Time: 1998-10-21 17:16:00 Comments: I am happy to learn about flight and careers for flight. (The Air Force is what I would like to look into for my future). |
Name: erica
russell Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: illinios Time: 1998-10-13 16:22:00 Comments: hi cool wed site |
Name: Chon
T Pham Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: VIET NAM Time: 1998-10-10 04:19:00 Comments: Hi Mr. Wheeler. I was one of the first six VietNamese Navigators who were sent to 360TEWS for training in early 1972. My IN name was Major Pannel and I wish to have a chance to talk with him again. I found out your web site by Mr. Joe Martin. I was really enjoyed every single page. At least I still have something to remember and to forget. Thanks and keep up the good work. PTC/Sky Dragon 718TEWS |
Name: John
P. Kirkpatrick Website: JP Kirkpatrick Genealogy & Family Page Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Ellsinore, MO Time: 1998-10-09 04:42:00 Comments: Came on your site through the portal and decided to see what some of the neighbors to the south have for homepages. I too am a retiree from the US Air Force, after 21 years, retired Dec 31, 1988. I started out in Aircraft Mechanics (Fighter Aircraft) and enjoyed (?) a tour in Viet Nam (Da Nang AB 69-70). Retrained into Air Traffic Control Radar Repair and had an eight year tour as an Air Force Recruiter (73-81). Had a 3 year tour at Lajes Field in the Azores and retired from Shaw AFB, SC. My son is presently in the Air Force at McConnell AFB, KS. Thought that I would let you know that there are a few of us former "bus drivers" out here that remember the "old school". John Kirkpatrick |
Name: Frank
Dayton Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Whittier, Ca. Time: 1998-10-05 01:46:00 Comments: I served with the 6994th from Dec.'69 thru Nov.'70 as a 292. I started my tour at Pleiku and went to Phu Cat when we turned Pleiku over to the Vietnamese. I also spent a two or three week TDY at N.K.P., so I got to see a lot of the organization and meet a lot of great people during my 11+ monthes in country. I feel very proud of my service there and today it provides me some of my greatest memories and personal accomplishments. I'd really like to hear for some of the friends I made during that time. Don Adam, Dave "Hippy" Holt, John Callahan are a few of many. If anyone has info of their whereabouts, please contact me @ [email protected]. By the way, you've really got a great website. Keep up the good work. Your efforts certainly show. |
Name: Frank
Dayton Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Whittier, Ca. Time: 1998-10-05 01:42:00 Comments: I served with the 6994th from Dec.'69 thru Nov.'70 as a 292. I started my tour at Pleiku and went to Phu Cat when we turned Pleiku over to the Vietnamese. I also spent a two or three week TDY at N.K.P., so I got to see a lot of the organization and meet a lot of great people during my 11+ monthes in country. I feel very proud of my service there and today it provides me some of my greatest memories and personal accomplishments. I'd really like to hear for some of the friends I made during that time. Don Adam, Dave "Hippy" Holt, John Callahan are a few of many. If anyone has info of their whereabouts, please contact me @ [email protected]. By the way, you've really got a great website. Keep up the good work. Your efforts certainly show. |
Name: Joyce
Gillaspie Website: AIRMEN LOST AND FOUND Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook From: OHIO Time: 1998-10-02 16:30:00 Comments: You signed my Database and just wanted to take a look at your site. It's very nice. Thanks for your input at AIRMEN LOST AND FOUND! If you would like to put a link to it, I would appreciate it very much. My husband has located several old Navy buddies with his site...SAILORS LOST AND FOUND.. but it took a lot of ol'salties, signing it! Anyway, thanks for the info, hopefully working together, we can keep the American Spirit Alive! I wasn't in the service, but I appreciate so much the men who went to war for my freedom, (unlike Clinton!) opps probably shouldn't have said that! Good Luck! Joyce |
Name: Rick
Yeh Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Wheaton, MD Time: 1998-10-01 12:00:00 Comments: This site brings back a lot of memories and is a great source of information on our mission in SEA. I was a 207 AMS ditty bop at Det 3 in NKP from Nov 71/72, but was mostly known as "Ho Chi" (as I was christened by my IRO-- Skeeter Dickerson on my Cherry ride). I found this site looking for info on Baron 52. I had left NKP only a week before we lost the plane. I remember reading the news clipping and have a shiver run down my spine thinking that my friends had been lost. However, I later found that the lost crew was one that had been stationed at Danang, and did not transfer to NKP until after I had left. As I surfed the site, I noted that you didn't have many pictures of Det 3, so I plan to send a couple of shots I have recently digitized. I hope you can use them. I think you've done a great job with this site, and I've downloaded a lot of your articles about the ARDF program and the Baron 52 shootdown, as they are excellent descriptions of what we could never talk about until now, and of course are a great part of my personal history. Hope to visit this site many more times in the future. |
Name: Joey
Fullard Website: n/a Referred by: Yahoo! From: Waycross, GA Time: 1998-10-01 06:25:00 Comments: I have just enlisted in the Air Force. I'm leaving in two weeks, Oct 14. After basic I will be an E-3. I've chose to be a crew chief in hopes of flying one day. Any advice that you have to offer will be greatly appreciated. |
Name: Brian
Kidd Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Phoenix, Az. Time: 1998-09-30 06:27:00 Comments: Hey, nice web page! I am active duty Air Force stationed at Luke AFB, Az. I am a big history fan and was just browsing until I found your sight. I have been in since 1983 so I do not go back as far as most of you but it is really interesting to read all of the stories from the 60's. I spent 12 years working on F-4 Phantoms as a jet engine troop, now am working F-16's ( welcome to the modern world) I would go back to F-4's in a heartbeat if I could.Anyway, just wanted to say hello, and i will be back to check out any updates. Any old timers from the Vietnam era that have time on the old double ugly, drop me a line. I would like to hear from you!!! |
Name: Richard
J. Burda Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Rockford, TN Time: 1998-09-29 23:53:00 Comments: I was a back-ender on Tan Son Nhut and Phu Cat Goons in 71-72. Great mission. Heard about your site and will give it a good visit. (I'm in the process of retiring from the AF and relocating to Tennessee. A great 30 years--the highlight was flying in Vietnam. |
Name: Darren
R. Reid Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Marion, Iowa originally, living in Texas attending college Time: 1998-09-29 01:33:00 Comments: Cool web page!!!!! I was just browsing the Air Force sites because I kinda wish I would have stayed in the Airforce. If I would of had a better job and would not have had to consider other factors I would have stayed in. Just remembering all the down time and the benefits makes me wish I could be back in. The real world is tough. |
Name: Douglas
C. Campbell Website: Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook From: Asheville, NC Time: 1998-09-27 18:12:00 Comments: Great smart looking webpage, nice to see somebody taking the time to do this sort of thing. Was with Det 1, 6994th at Nha Trang from Aug 66 - Feb 68. |
Name: john holmes Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: calif Time: 1998-09-27 02:16:00 Comments: I am over at my brothers house surfing on his computer. He asked me to see if anything about what I did in the service was on the net. I entered 6994th detachment 3 and I found you. Great site. I found a lot I didn't know and I was there. I'll be sure to come back for updates. |
Name: Joe
Simpson Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Fort Collins, Colorado Time: 1998-09-25 07:30:00 Comments: Assigned to the 361st: March 67 - March 68 -- Nha Trang -- Navigator -- Referred to site by Chuck Miller my co-pilot |
Name: Fred
Lewis Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Hazel Park, Michigan Time: 1998-09-22 03:28:00 Comments: Jim, been to your site many times. You have posted pictures of C-47s for me after a rocket attack. I am always impressed by the upkeep of the site and how you continue to expand it. Keep up the good work!! I shall return! |
Name: Bill
Watters Website: The Blue Lagoon Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: San Antonio, Texas Time: 1998-09-21 14:40:00 Comments: Hi JC, I've visited your site many times in the past to check for new photos, stories, improvements, visitor comments from old crewmates, etc. I like the new interface and the new domain name. It's more appropriate and makes navigating around a bit smoother. Thanks again for preserving a part of history unknown to most and posting it for others to see. I'll be back! |
Name: Rick
Hand Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Trail, Oregon Time: 1998-09-18 04:50:00 Comments: Dear MSGT Wheeler: I really enjoyed your site. You've done a remarkable job gathering all the info and researching the history of the TEWS and USAFSS and their use of the EC-47. I was involved in the Combat Cougar program from July 4, 1967 until Feb. 6, 1972. I began with the 6994th SS at Tan Son Nhut. I was a "lowly" ground support analyst. On occasion they would give us "ground pounders" thrill rides. My first ride was in "Balls 9," the bird who had run across the infield at TSN on takeoff and clipped it's wing off on a fuel truck - something about the locking the old tailwheel. After a month or so at TSN I got elected to go out and liase with the ASA. Kind of a permanent TDY to make sure the ASA ground sites were giving us "stuff." I was there with the 175th Radio Research Co. until late May of 1968. I left the 6994th one year to the day after I got there (I traded my helmet, army TA-50 gear and my flak vest to a clerk for a July 4 portcall. I eventually ended up at HQ USAFSS at Kelly working for Col. Pappy Wallander, Major Dave Eddy, and Capt. Harold Businger. Chief Carrol Miller was also in and out of USAFSS and he convinced me to go back to Vietnam with him (TDY to Det. 1 at Nha Trang) to work on some targeting projects that we had been involved with working with ASA troops while at Bien Hoa. (That whole ASA thing rose out of, I think, the ASA's preference in giving the ASA ARDF (aural null birds) better intell for targeting than we had...I may be wrong. I often am.) We went in March of 69. Carrol stayed there - Vietnam was his favorite place in the world. I came back to USAFSS in July of 69. One of the people I ran into there was the CG's aide, 1LT James Clapper. We spent some time talking about ARDF. He would eventually take the helm of Det. 3, 6994th at Nakhon Phanom. (He would later retire as LT GEN Clapper, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. In August of 1970 he invited me to join him there and I did - Aug. 4, 1970 to Feb. 6, 1972. I left USAFSS then to accept a commission in the Army Reserve. While undergoing infantry training at Ft. Benning, GA I would learn from "Major Clapper" that John Ryon, my replacement had perished in the crash of a goon out of NKP. John was a great guy who wanted more than anything to be a backend flying 202. He returned to the states, took the altitude chamber stuff, and survival school at Fairchild, and returned as a flying 202 at Det. 3. It was a very hard day rubbing his name on The Wall last December. Also injured in that crash was my best friend in USAFSS - Paul Weyandt. He was a super X operator who had flown about nine zillion missions at the 6994th and Det 3. He would survive only to die in an auto wreck in the PI. I've gone on too long. Again, I commend your work, your site, and the memories - wonderful and sad - of the goonie bird in combat in SEA. (I once told my wife that I never flew on a goonie bird that was younger than I was). Thanks for the memories. Rick Hand (TEWS/USAFSS people can join the Freedom Through Vigilance Association. Their email is [email protected] Many ARDF types are in the assoc. |
Name: Doug
Simmons Website: Doug's Home Page Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Booneville, Arkansas Time: 1998-09-16 22:06:00 Comments: Hi, James: This is a great page! I, too, was at Lackland AFB in June, 1955 (3710 BMTS Flight 548); went to Sheppard AFB for Acft/Eng Mech training; Biggs AFB, El Paso - KC-97 tankers in 1956-57; B-36 Prev. Maint. Sq. in 1957-58; Eglin AFB, FL - B-52 ground crew 1959-60... missed combat, but enjoyed TDY stints at Lakenheath AFB, England, and Goose Bay AFB, Labrador... |
Name: joe
lund Website: Referred by: Net Search From: fairfax ca Time: 1998-09-15 20:57:00 Comments: i was wondering if you can send me some info on the air force befor i go in |
Name: John
Galleazzi Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1998-09-15 19:31:00 Comments: I served as an EC-47 Nav and IN with the 361st TEWS at Phu Cat, RVN from august, 1970 through August, 1971. I enjoyed your site and am glad to see that some of what we did is finally getting recognition. I was particularly pleased to see the reference to "Project Phyliss Ann", as I am interested in compiling a "history" of the TEW squadrons and ARDF in the Viet Nam war. Any information you have would be appreciated. Thanks again for making this site possible. |
Name: Lewis
B Davis, T/sgt Ret. Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Fort Walton Bch., Fl Time: 1998-09-13 00:37:00 Comments: I was in the 360th TEWS, Tan Son Nhut AB, Rvn from Jan. 1968 - Dec. 1968 |
Name: JD
Smith Website: Referred by: SimpleNet From: Jacksonville TX Time: 1998-09-09 08:31:00 Comments: Enjoy your site. May get around to building me one some day I do have some nice pictures of the old planes I flew. T-29,C-47, C-119, C-123, C-119 No C-54 tho. If you would like any let me know and I will send them. JD |
Name: Linda Davis Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Uhrichsville, OH Time: 1998-09-07 07:20:00 Comments: This is a really great site! |
Name: e.j.baringer Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Pa. Time: 1998-09-06 19:21:00 Comments: Both my sons just begain their careers in the Air Force. Both 2 Lts. One at Columbus the other at Keesler As for myself I served in the Marine Corps my tour in Viet Nam was in 66 and 67 in I corp. It sounds as tho you had a great career, good luck to you |
Name: Steve
Transue Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Kingman Az Time: 1998-09-04 21:16:00 Comments: What a great site. Brings back alot of memories. Have seen names of people I have not thought of in years. Flew from Aug 1971 to July 1972. Phucat and Danang. Thanks for maintaining this site. I will visit it often. Also the Reunion is a great idea please keep information on the site. |
Name: C/senior
airman Vincent Cox ( R.O.T.C) Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Florida Time: 1998-09-04 17:22:00 Comments: I really like your new Site.. |
Name: Gary
M Moore Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Dixon Ca. Time: 1998-09-04 04:47:00 Comments: Hi My name is Gary Msgt Ret 1972-1993, F4 Crew Chief for 8 years, then C141 F/E 4th MAS Mc Chord AFB Tocoma WA for 2 years, I then went to the 75th MAS on the C5 A/B from 1982-1993 about 4700 hrs, started with Evergreen Intl. on the B747 but was furloughed with 27 others on the last day of sim training, trying to get on with Atlas Air on the 747, Wish me luck!! |
Name: Stevan
Martin Website: Majladiv's Civil War Reenacting information and Recruiting Page! Referred by: Tripod From: Louisiana Time: 1998-09-01 07:08:00 Comments: You are to be commended for your excellent site. Along with Mr. Al Varelas' Hall of Honor this is one of the best! I spent 10 years in the service of our country and on behalf of all veterans everywhere I thank you! Our site is dedicated to honoring all of the forgotten American heros of a bygone era...America's greatest conflict...the Civil War. As reenactors we strive to honor these brave souls and to keep the memory of their sacrafices alive for future generations of Patriots! Sincerely....Stevan Martin |
Name: Don Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: WV Time: 1998-08-30 05:53:00 Comments: Excellent Web Page. Brought back loads of memories.Workedon EC-47's at TSN in 71,72. and at Ubon in 73. I'm retiredwith 25 Total. I spent my first 4 years with USAFSS beforeI crosstrained into electronics. Keep up the good work andheres to all you EC-47 and AC-130 Spectre troops. I respect you all. |
Name: Kyle Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Time: 1998-08-30 01:04:00 Comments: I was wondering if you can answer a question for me. We are trying to figure out informtion on a special job in the air force. I would like to know who, what they do, and are they that elite, if yes then why. I think they are called combat controllers?? They wear a special red hat. I hear most that do the training are not excepted. |
Name: Bob
Irwin Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Charleston, SC Time: 1998-08-27 07:35:00 Comments: You've got a great site going here! EC47 info...never would believe I'd ever see anything like this. Great account of the 'bird and crews. Keep it alive! |
Name: Phil
Pratt Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Albuquerque, NM Time: 1998-08-27 06:46:00 Comments: EC-47 crewmember (RO) at Det 2, 6994thSS, DaNang RVN May 1970 - May 1971. Referred to this site by a friend after discussing sites that had info on the Gooney Bird. Very imformative site. Thanks for the effort you have put into it. Will visit again to see if I recognize any of your other guests. |
Name: Bob
Batchelar Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: San Jose, California Time: 1998-08-27 00:28:00 Comments: Jim, Saw your posting re: A REUNION and realized my e-mail address had changed. My new one is [email protected] and I think this one will follow me for quite a while. I will send more re the Reunion but in general I love it! |
Name: L.
D. Holm (Vern) Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Parkersburg, Iowa Time: 1998-08-26 03:32:00 Comments: Flew 126 missions out of DaNang (Det. 2, 6994th) from July, 1970 to June, 1971. Served as X, Y & Z1 operator. Sorry to hear of the loss of Todd Melton in 1973. Todd was fresh out of school an arrived at DaNang about the same time I did. We played a lot of cards together. Hello to Tom Yunker, Tom Glass, Phil Pratt, Mel Saltz, Charlie McGee, Perry Kaupa, Hy Brock, Jimmy Godsey, Wayne Ricks and all my other friends from DaNang. If anyone comes across this, please correspond. |
Name: Jon
Caery Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Clarksville Time: 1998-08-24 15:28:00 Comments: Nice pages JC. You've been busy! ha! 73's Jon, KC5LVW |
Name: Greig
Arthur Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Toronto Time: 1998-08-23 01:19:00 Comments: I was looking for info regarding my dream, and I found your page, thanks for the info speedy. |
Name: SrA
Roger Prasad Website: N/A Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Los Angeles, CA Time: 1998-08-23 01:17:00 Comments: Very honored and glad to hear from a you and other veterans that signed in your guest book. USAF has come a long way and have achieved the air and space superiority in the world, this is all because of dedicated airman like you. Thanks for your hard work and setting example to airman like me. God bless United States Of America. Aim High!!! |
Name: Bob
Need, MSgt, USAF-Ret. Website: Referred by: From a Friend From: Norfolk, Virginia Time: 1998-08-20 14:58:00 Comments: Great site, Jim! Was at Tan Son Nhut in 67 & 68, combat newsman and photographer. Your mention of Medina Lake brought back a lot of good memories. Have added this site to my "Favorites." |
Name: Greg
Witaker Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Houston, TX Time: 1998-08-19 09:05:00 Comments: Hello sir, I am about to join the air force myself and am learing as much as I can before I go .I found your page on a Yahoo search. It is very well made and very informative. I realy got alot out of hearing your experinces and opinions. Take care. Greg Witaker Houston, TX |
Name: Frank
J. Doss Jr. Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Louisville Ky. living in Chesterfield, Mo. Time: 1998-08-19 01:10:00 Comments: Excellent site. I am very fond of the C-47 & DC3, I have over 10,000 hours in the bird flying for Capitol Airways early 50's and flying for Ozark Airlines mid 50's to early 60's |
Name: Frank
J. Doss Jr. Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Louisville Ky. living in Chesterfield, Mo. Time: 1998-08-19 01:11:00 Comments: Excellent site. I am very fond of the C-47 & DC3, I have over 10,000 hours in the bird flying for Capitol Airways early 50's and flying for Ozark Airlines mid 50's to early 60's |
COX Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: FLORIDA Time: 1998-08-18 17:27:00 Comments: I THINK YOUR WEBPAGE IS VERY NICE AND INTERESTING.. |
Name: Fred
Bogler Website: N/A Referred by: NewsGroups From: Savannah, Ga. Time: 1998-08-18 01:41:00 Comments: Am retired U.S. Navy Enlisted AirCrew / Aircraft Engine Mechanic. I flew as crew in the Navy R4D-5, -7, -8. The latter, the R4D-8, later known as the C117D is the bird on which I have most of my flight time. I flew out of NAS Lakehurst 1959-62, and later out of NAS Norfolk, from l965-69. At Norfolk we flew mostly in support of NALCOLANT which provided logistic suppport to the Atlantic Fleet Commander. I am not sure if these Super DC-3's with their R1820 engines and 1600 gal. fuel capacity qualify as the Gooney birds that you folks are interested in, but they did start out as R4D-5's and were converted to the Super version for the Navy and Marine Corp some time after WW-2. I never knew the USAF to fly any. I am retiring on friday from a 21 yr civil service career here at Scott, AFB in Illiois, where I worked as an engine Mech on the AF C-9 Nightingale's. Savannah is where we will alight in early Sept. Should any of my experience and sea stories interest you please let me know. Fred Bogler ADRC/AC USN/Ret |
Name: Tony
Kres Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Originally Philadelphia, now in Tampa, FL Time: 1998-08-17 03:56:00 Comments: I enlisted in the AF in 1968. My first assignement was to the 4410 CCTW at England AFB, La. as a recip propeller mechanic. The first acft I ever worked on was a C-47. Later was stationed at Tan Son Nhut AB, RVN from 1970-1972 working on EC-47s, C-123Ks. Later crossed trained as a C-130 Flt Engineer. Retired from active duty in 1993. I think your site is great. The only real airplanes have recip engines, JETS ARE FOR KIDS!!! My dream is be alive when a C-47 returns the last C-17(gag, barf, and puke) crew from the bone yard. |
Name: Mike
Fox, Capt, Ret. (Former SSgt) Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Denver, CO Time: 1998-08-14 14:52:00 Comments: GREAT page. Lots of memories came back. I really miss the 70's, the Air Force, and many old friends. I've pretty much lost contact with everyone I knew. Started out in Photo Maint in 68. Served at Korat, Udorn, and TSN. 600 Photo Sqdn, 601 Photo Flt. Cool fiends, Sgt Limus Shephard, SSgt Ken Bonzo, TSgt "Butch" Krenz. Retrained into Computers in 74 (McChord AFB, Norton AFB) then commissioned in 84 (Andrews AFB and Lowry). Ended up as the Commander for the Student Sqdn I started out in at Lowry. Retired in 93. Wish I could do it all over again. I'll be back. |
Name: Bob
Batchelar Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: San Jose, California Time: 1998-08-13 16:00:00 Comments: Just a return visit. From what started as personal memories of your tour Jim, this site has blossomed into the best resource available for us Drillpress/Phyllis Ann Alumni, ((OK DOC Hawkeye for correctness)). Keep up the Good Work. God Bless you and yours....... |
Name: Glen
Germany Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Jackson, Mississippi Time: 1998-08-13 00:59:00 Comments: was stationed at DaNang as an ARD operator from 70 till 71. I interested in getting in touch with some of the friends i made there. |
Name: D
K Moody Website: Referred by: Xoom From: Ocean Springs,MS Time: 1998-08-10 03:36:00 Comments: I haven' t seen Phyllis Ann mentioned befor. I came from Mc Clellan to England to help setup the maintenance end, but ended up on the Convair as I had previous T-29/C-131 FM experience. I was recalled to Mc Clellan and went into C-130's , retrained on the E's and went to CCK Taiwan in Jan 67. I still have a copy of the Ode to Phyllis Ann. |
Name: Luther
H. Deese, Jr. Website: China Your Market? Referred by: From a Friend From: Florida (Taiwan 15 years) Time: 1998-08-07 19:26:00 Comments: Sarge: I spent 8 years in USAFSS -- Chinese linguist, stationed at ShuLinKou Air Station, Taiwan for 4 yrs. Later worked for NSA for 30 yrs. Enjoyed your page & memories. Luther Deese |
Name: Lt
Col David Liebergot Website: Referred by: Yahoo! From: Kingston, New York Time: 1998-08-04 13:22:00 Comments: Found you by accident today while looking for some other AF info. I was assigned to the 6994th from Aug 70-Aug 71 as an Intercept Analyst. While I was there, analysts were added to the flying program, so I got to be in the initial group of trainees. Ended up flying 56 missions out of Ton Son Nhut. My memories of those times are very vivid to include the 360th mascot who attended all of our briefings and ate the crummy chicken the in-flight kitchen put in the box lunches, acft 009 clipping it's starboard wing on a take-off, one of my acft loosing an engine in Cambodia, then watching as the other started smoking when we neared the Parrot's Beak on the way back to Saigon. We landed that day at Tay Nihn AAF. Great hamburger lunch! By the way, the only front end guy I remember was 1lt Frenchie Rondeau. He was the pilot on the aforementioned emergency landing. My best friend from when we were stationed in Germany at the 6910th was MSgt Monte Pettit, who was at TSN with me. We were room mates there and flew a few missions together. He was a white knuckler but ended up flying over 150 missions if I remember correctly. There is lots more in my memory but I don't want to bore you. I will stop by again. One last note, I am still on active duty (35 years in Sept) and assigned to the On-Site Inspection Agency at Rhein- Main AB in Frankfurt Germany. Great work you are doing here. Hope to see more. |
Name: Frank
Payne Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: E. Tennessee Time: 1998-07-26 21:34:00 Comments: Plan to visit your site again. It's bookmarked. Thanks |
Name: Brenda
L. Fritz Website: Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook From: wherever the Navy sees fit to assign me Time: 1998-07-26 19:55:00 Comments: Hi! I am cruising all of the veteran sites that I can find to reaffirm the unique bond of patriotism we veterans share, no matter when or where we served. I think that any site celebrating our brothers and sisters in uniform is an honorable endeavor and am proud to call you family. I am in pursuit of continuing the effort by trying to compile a book about women veterans (hopefully, the first in a series of such veteran books) and need your help in finding our sisters who would be willing to share an experience or two of their active duty days. "In Her Own Words" is simply a book in progress of essays written about and by women veterans. If you know of someone who might be interested in sharing her story(ies), please pass my e-mail address on to her. Thank you and God bless. Keep up the good work! Brenda |
Name: Keith
Pipkins Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1998-07-26 04:43:00 Comments: Just like to visit from time to time. tnx. |
Name: Todd
Scherm Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Edmond, OK Time: 1998-07-25 20:13:00 Comments: you have an outstanding and informative web page. my father flew ec-47s out of phucat in '72, and i was just looking on the net for some pictures to send to him. i'm currently a b-52h navigator at barksdale afb, la. i'll be sure to pass along the address to my dad. who knows, maybe he can get in touch with some old friends. thanks. |
Name: JIM
Name: Tommy
Meridith K5MEA Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Jonesboro, Ark. Time: 1998-07-21 17:45:00 Comments: Great Home Page I am getting me one setup Will give you the URL when i get it 73 BCNU Tom K5MEA USAFalso |
Name: Misty
Mullins Website: no homepage Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: West Virginia Time: 1998-07-21 06:27:00 Comments: I really enjoyed looking at your pictures. I too am enlisting in the Air Force I hope maybe you could e-mail me and give me some information on the basic training and the overall experience you had in the Air Force. |
Name: Kenneth
Arrowsmith Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: missouri Time: 1998-07-16 05:23:00 Comments: i found your car from another page I worked on c-47,vc-131a, c-123, and a26 went to school for a-1 but never worked on them |
Name: wayne
r wright (retired USAF E-7) Website: none Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Doyline, La Time: 1998-07-12 06:36:00 Comments: I enjoyed the site very much. A lot of time has past since we were in service and how things have changed. I will tell other AF members in my area to look at a well done site. It was a pleasure to read it. |
Name: Gerardo
Briones, Retired AMS Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1998-07-11 19:06:00 Comments: Impressive. Informative. Moving. Thank You |
Name: Steve Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Chicago/St. Charles IL Time: 1998-07-10 18:28:00 Comments: This has become the best sport for EC-47 and 6994th stuff! Keep up the great work. I was Viet 203 in the 6990th 1970-1972. Many of my classmates and buddies spent time in the 6994th 1970-1974. I've been working at launchin a "203 Locator" website and have found dozens of ex-203 Viet and Chinese linguists. 6994th 203 guys found from TSN, DaNang, NKP and Ubon include: John Bajor, Tim Decker, Guy Fox, Harvey Goldstein, John Holmes, John Iwinski, John Lloyd, Stan Long, Charlie Martin, Jim McGee, Tom Metzler, Al Minnis, George Owens, Mel Saltz, Don Smith, Jerry Wood, and John Yunker. I just hooked with Jim McGee and he's meeting later this month with some ex-292 buddies and will be spreading the word about this site and guestbook, etc. Any old 203's out there wanting more, give me a shout. Wyco |
Name: Terry
Truax Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Chatham MA (Detroit MI) Time: 1998-07-10 02:45:00 Comments: I was with the 6925th RSM, Clark AB, PI, 61-62 and with the 6917th RGM, San Vito AS, Italy, 62-63. Spent the next 33 years with the DoD. Great site. |
Name: Fred
Lewis Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Detroit area Time: 1998-07-09 04:28:00 Comments: Been here many times and am always impressed with the changes you make. Keep up the good work! |
Name: Carmina
Torres Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Monterrey, Mexico Time: 1998-07-09 04:07:00 Comments: I think the page is cool and really interesting but the thrut is that i write because i really want to find a guy who i just met in my vacations on Mazatlán, Mexico and the only things i know abot him is that his name is Shawn, he is from Reno, Nevada, 22 or 23 years old, is a pilot from the US Air Force and he want to be an astronaut. Hi had blue eyes, brown hair, this is all i know and i really appreciate if u can tell me anything about him or at list in what part i can found a list of the students in the Air Force, any information u can give me. Thanx for your time Carmina :) |
Name: Edna
Everett Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Houston, TX Time: 1998-07-08 18:22:00 Comments: I was actually looking for information on the C-124 Globemaster. I am working on my Master of Aeronautical Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ. My husband alsl flew on the C-124 during the early 1960s. He was stationed at Barksdale AFB. LA. If you could provide me with any information, I would greately appreciate it. The only problem is, I need something before July 10, 1998. I have another email address [email protected] Thanks, Edna |
Name: Marc
S. Allen Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Pearl, MS Time: 1998-07-06 20:34:00 Comments: Great site! Easy to look at and read. Tex :) |
Name: Al
Nicholas Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: New Era Mi Time: 1998-07-06 01:42:00 Comments: USN 1959-63. I was an Aviation Electronics Tech E5. Air crew P2V7. Our mission was anti submarine. |
Name: Daniel
L. Stockton Website: B-24 Best Web Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: The Past... Time: 1998-07-05 03:13:00 Comments: Informative web site! I hope you'll visit mine. |
Name: Bill
Ehmig Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Barrington, IL Time: 1998-07-03 17:35:00 Comments: Marv Howell (Col USAF Ret) an old Buff EW and Electronic Goon person recommeded the site. Very nice, brings back good and bad memories. Thanks for this and for remembering. Hoooahh. |
Name: JOE
FELIX Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: SAN PEDRO,CAL Time: 1998-07-03 10:01:00 Comments: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TEWS? 362TEWS DANANG (1972) FORMER SGT. FELIX USAF |
Name: Don
Stout Website: ham radio opps Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1998-07-02 19:20:00 Comments: I enjoied your page please keep up the good work. |
Name: Kathleen 12 Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: nevada Time: 1998-06-30 04:02:00 Comments: I really like your site.When I am old enough I am gonna be a jet pilot in the Air Force. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!! |
Name: Darwin
Bruce Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Pickerington, Ohio Time: 1998-06-29 01:49:00 Comments: I was a AMS on JC-47D 43-16254 (Drill Press). |
Name: Robert
Jon Cox Website: The Battle Off Samar - Taffy III at Leyte Gulf Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Groton, Connecticut, USA Time: 1998-06-28 16:04:00 Comments: Jim - Read through your entire site and was very impressed with your service in the Air Force. All pages in your site loaded very quickly at 56K. Looks like you had very interesting and exciting times while serving your country. Best regards - RJC ![]() |
Name: Eddie
B. Hawkins Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Altus Arkansas Time: 1998-06-27 02:01:00 Comments: Was a Radio Operator at Lajes Field, Azores, Portugal. On base flight aircraft C54 Tail # 50627 from 1963-1967. Also flew on C47's with the Air Force Advisory Group in Nam. 68-69. |
Name: Sra
Roger Prasad Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Ft Campbell, Ky (Base) Time: 1998-06-22 01:27:00 Comments: Very glad to read from a senior Nco from my beloved service the USAF and also a veteran who served his country in combat. Good luck. |
Name: Jeremy Pichon Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Slidell Louisiana Time: 1998-06-21 04:30:00 Comments: I am a high school senior and will be entering the United States Air Force in July. I think this is a great idea to let young men like myself actually see what we are really about to get into. |
Name: J.C.
Hoffman Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1998-06-20 08:57:00 Comments: Just wondering if you flew c-47s with or knew Captain William (Bill) Dickson in SEA. I believe he was assigned to AF intel section. |
Name: Dave
Hartzell Website: Jack London Ranch Album Referred by: Net Search From: Pittsburg, CA Time: 1998-06-19 21:15:00 Comments: J.C. I really like your site. I superficially visited yesterday but came back for a better look. Seeing your photos and reading your experiences and your stories I found very rewarding. I feel my time here was well spent. You are one of those indivduals that seem to be able to master anything you put your mind to. A site worth bookmarking...Cool site!! By the way thanks for the advice regarding my wannabe pilot son. :) ![]() |
Name: Marcus
Turner Website: Military Payment Certificates Pages Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Indianapolis Time: 1998-06-18 21:43:00 Comments: Thanks for visiting my site. I very much enjoyed yours as well. Keep up the good work. |
Name: Amn
Meghan Pelley Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Chicago area Time: 1998-06-10 19:40:00 Comments: Great web page, very well organized! |
Name: Keith
Pipkins Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1998-06-08 16:08:00 Comments: I really enjoyed your stories about your first 4 years in the 19LSS. Hope your legs have stretched out from pushing those aircraft brakes for so long during run-up test. HAHAHA. |
Name: Rick
Fenwick Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Tucson, AZ Time: 1998-06-08 01:10:00 Comments: I truly enjoyed your page..and will return in the future. I was in the 6994th at Fort Meade from 1987-1992, and spearheaded the effort to memorialize the squadron's fallen comrades at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington. It was a poignant moment for all of us; your page reminds me of that moment. Thanks for that... |
Name: Gene
Brandenburg Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Port Tobacco, Md. Time: 1998-06-07 13:07:00 Comments: I apreciate your efforts here. My brother was a crew member on Baron 52, an ec-47 that crashed in laos in 1973. Gene Brandenburg |
Name: Jim
Tansey Website: Tansey Pages & RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Sierra Vista, AZ formally Leominster, MA Time: 1998-06-07 08:11:00 Comments: Hi, like your pages. Will spend more time looking at your links when I have a little more time. I have pages about RAF Bentwaters/RAF Woodbridge where I was stationed in early 60's. Nostalgia with photos and pics. Come and visit. Cheers. Jim |
Name: Stan
Poyas Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Mount Vernon, Washington Time: 1998-06-06 16:56:00 Comments: Great Site ! I served with the 6994th in Vietnam in 69 and 70 at Pleiku, DaNang, and PhuCat for 18 months. Was in Bravo Maintenance and also flew missions in the area. Returned in 73 to NKP for another tour and moved to Ubon Thailand until we quit our operations in May of 74. Some of my photos of the last flying day can be seen on the Silent Warriors website that Airlee Owens created last Sept. |
Name: BILL
Name: Col
Paul W. Arnett Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Burke VA Time: 1998-06-04 16:31:00 Comments: I was the aircraft maintenance officer for 361stTEWS from Mar 1968 to Oct 1969.Do you have any info on the 361st history. |
Name: Alan
Gurman Website: Australian NAval and Nautical page Referred by: From AngelFire From: Aussie Time: 1998-05-31 12:00:00 Comments: Welcome to weapons and warfare on the webb algee |
Name: Dave Website: Firebase Indy Veterans Reunion, Jun 5-7, 1998, Indianapolis Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Indianapolis Time: 1998-05-31 00:58:00 Comments: Firebase Indy Veterans Reunion, June 5-7, 1998. Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, IN. Also, the Moving Wall will be there, June 1-7, 1998. For details: Also see my friend Namnurse's homepage: |
Name: SSgt
Hawkins Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: California Time: 1998-05-28 08:43:00 Comments: It's good to see the careers of our previous members. SSgt Hawkins |
Name: Vickie
Pipkins Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Hartman Time: 1998-05-27 06:06:00 Comments: Hi, J.C.! I love your Website. You've really put some time into this I know you must enjoy it alot. I've got to figure out how to make my homepage so I can contact some ancestors. I think that would be fun. Vickie |
Name: Daniel
Danahy IV Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Union City, California Time: 1998-05-26 21:38:00 Comments: Hello there. I was just surfing the net about the Air Force and came accross your web page. I have already joined the Air Force. So I guess my name now would be Airman Danahy. I am currently in the DEP. I leave for basic traing in October. I was wondering if you could just tell me some stuff of what I could expect while in the Air Force. I am going into electronics with the untimate goal of becoming an Astronaut. I would appreciate your response. Thank you. Airman Danahy |
Name: Daniel
Danahy IV Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Union City, California Time: 1998-05-26 21:36:00 Comments: Hello there. I was just surfing the net about the Air Force and came accross your web page. I have already joined the Air Force. So I guess my name now would be Airman Danahy. I am currently in the DEP. I leave for basic traing in October. I was wondering if you could just tell me some stuff of what I could expect while in the Air Force. I am going into electronics with the untimate goal of becoming an Astronaut. I would appreciate your response. Thank you. Airman Danahy |
Name: Jim
Corcoran Website: Jim Corcoran's Home Page Referred by: Net Search From: Austin, Texas Time: 1998-05-24 22:06:00 Comments: I thoroughly enjoyed your web site. I was a member of the 19th Log from Jul, 1962 to Aug, 1965 as an aircraft radio repairman in the Comm Shop. Check out the 19th Log page on my web site where there's a group photo taken around Sep, 1962 that may have some faces you'll recognize. I assume you're aware the 19th has a reunion every two years. I was at the last one this past October and the next one will be held in San Antonio in Sep or Oct, 1999. You've done an excellent job on your web site. Keep up the good work. Regards, Jim. |
Name: KRisten
LaBat Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: OWatonna Minnesota Time: 1998-05-24 12:08:00 Comments: Thank you for the web site! I have been looking for people who have been in the military because I am looking to join myself! Your acounts of your time in the service have helped me greatly! Thank You! Kristen LaBat [email protected] |
, BRIAN C. Website: my yahoo Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: elberta, alabama Time: 1998-05-21 06:26:00 Comments: sounds like you havehad an interesting life. in the airforce do you have to have 20/20 vision to be able to fly. do you have to be in shape before you go to basic training for the airforce , i want to join but i'm not really in good fit condition.. thanks {would you answer my questions and email me back , because i really want to joinand would like to know |
Name: John
Hockemeier Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: PA but living in NM Time: 1998-05-20 04:09:00 Comments: I was at NKP from Aug 72 to Aug 73. Flew as navigator on the Electric Goon. I can update one aircraft loss at NKP. The A/C crashed during touch and go. Copilot was making the approach. Aircraft struck structure between runway and taxiway, bending prop. Pilot took over control and told copilot to feather engine with bent prop. Copilot feathered good engine!! Aircraft went down just off base facing opposite direction from approach. One back-ender (name unknown) and the pilot were killed. The pilot was my next door neighbor in the hooch. His name was Capt Robert A. Kohn, a 1969 grad fro the USAF Academy. Thanks for making this site available. It is really well done!! |
Name: Mike
Monti Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Dalzell, SC/Shaw AFB, SC Time: 1998-05-18 01:53:00 Comments: Neat page! I honestly don't know how I hooked up with your page but I'm glad I did. I'm a retired SMSgt, USAF...still working for the AF only as a civilian now. I run the Enlisted Club at Shaw AFB, SC....the best Enlisted Club in the Air Force!! Come by and see us some time! |
Name: Sean
Whiteman Website: Sean's Site Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Searcy,Arkansas Time: 1998-05-17 21:40:00 Comments: You have a very cool page |
Name: Johnathan Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1998-05-15 19:14:00 Comments: Hi |
Name: Bill
Boltinghouse Website: The Superspies Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Council Bluffs Iowa (Near Offutt AFB) Time: 1998-05-14 23:17:00 Comments: Welcome Home! I found your web page today and I really appreciate it! I noticed that these were some of the earlier models with the AN/LR-34 systems. The Navigator did stand or sit on a stool as you described. However, on the N, P and Q's; the navigator had a console with his navigational equipment mounted in it. It was located just in front of the jump seats on the port side of the aircraft and he faced forward! The ARDF was the AN/ALR35 system. We had two aircraft at Pleiku which had the the AN/ALR38 Mini system. One A/C was 208, but I cannot remember the other tail number! The A/C lost out of Pleiku from the shoot down on April 22, 1970 was 402. I was "Bravo" maintenance and 402 was always having problems. I was supposed to go with it that morning but at a later time. A/C 133 engines would not start as usual so they moved 402 us almost an hour early. The guys could not come get me in time to go with it! So, I was spared! I had more flights than most other electronics guys! I had 38 missions and was awarded an Air Medal! I got my second and third clusters from flight on the RC130's and RC135's. Please check out my web site dedicated to the "Silent Warriors" known also as "The Superspies"! Bill Boltinghouse |
Name: Corey
Schmidt Website: The Dark Emporium Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Michigan, USA Time: 1998-05-13 17:59:00 Comments: I am doing a research project and need to know some info about recon missions in the vietnam war. I would really appreiciate some feedback. Thank you... Corey Schmidt |
Name: TSgt
Jene' M. Rayford Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Verona Italy Time: 1998-05-11 22:03:00 Comments: It's truly neat and inspiring to read about other's military careers and experiences. Too often we view the Air Force as a job instead of the legacy that it really is. Thank you for sharing your life with us and God bless you. |
Name: wave Website: wave's homepage Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Rhode Island, USA Time: 1998-05-11 13:56:00 Comments: Great job! Your site looks better than ever. :-) |
Name: Nicole
Montgomery Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Spokane, WA Time: 1998-05-11 06:39:00 Comments: I am searching for any information possible on a Gerald "Gerry" Hawkins, a World War II Air Force veteran. He served in the Pacific Theater during the war, a pilot (possibly an Ace) and could have been stationed in Australia during or after the war. He died April 23, in the Veterans Administration Hospital here in Spokane. I am trying to gather enough information to write an obituary for him, since his family did not. Any information on him or any suggestions where to search would be greatly appreciated. Thank you |
THOMPSON Website: VFW UDORN, THAILAND Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: North Carolina Time: 1998-05-10 11:05:00 Comments: We have access to email here at our VFW Post in Udorn, Thailand. Would you like to join our post. Sure would like to sign you up.Just send us your mailing address. Tommy Thompson QM AFTN Memorial Post 10249 Udorn |
Name: George
Cossey Website: George Cossey's Home Page Referred by: From From: Conway, AR Time: 1998-05-10 06:41:00 Comments: You done yourself right proud. Great job on the update. If you get a chance drop by and take a look at mine, been some changes made in it also. George |
Name: MoonBeam Website: MoonBeam's Galaxy Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Ozark, AR USA Time: 1998-05-10 04:31:00 Comments: Nice Work!!! Keep it up--it's looking sharp. Love and Peace, MoonBeam |
Name: Tom
Crowley Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: San Angelo, Texas Time: 1998-05-10 03:49:00 Comments: Your e-mail to me regarding your new update led me to check it out. It looks very nice. Although I was in the EC-47 program, I didn't arrive in-country until 1972 and was stationed at Da Nang. Thanks for the ring up. Hope you attract some of the folks that you were stationed with. Best regards, Tom Crowley KA5VTI |
Name: Charles Van
Zandt Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Massachusetts Time: 1998-05-10 00:11:00 Comments: Stationed in Nha Trang and Pleiku 1968 as a back ender copying Morse code and Using rdf to Triangulate and locate enemy sites. |
Name: John
Roberts Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Rialto Time: 1998-05-08 19:20:00 Comments: I think this a pretty cool web page and its cool (what your doing I mean.) |
Name: Alan
E. Hudson Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Thomasville GA Time: 1998-05-07 04:48:00 Comments: I am currently working as a Air Reserve Technician with the 919 SOW Eglin AFB AUX FLD #3 FL. I Have worked on the C130A model Gunships until their retirement. We now have C130 Tankers (Shadows) and Talon one aircraft. I enjoyed finding your web page. Thanks. |
Name: James
Line (Bob) Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Lincolnton, Georgia Time: 1998-05-07 01:39:00 Comments: I was a back-ender with the 6994th during 67-68 and missed the Phylis Ann era. I flew the Compass Dart and Combat Cougar missions. You may know one of the original Phylis Ann pilots - Capt Harold Businger. His navigator was Maj Dave Eddy. After leaving TSN, I worked with them at USAFSS HQ in San Antonio, TX. Great Guys. |
Name: J.JUBB Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Canada Time: 1998-05-06 22:03:00 Comments: I really enjoy the fact that you can fly an f-14 and I enjoy the training and the jobs you do( saving people) |
Name: J.JUBB Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Canada Time: 1998-05-06 22:03:00 Comments: I really enjoy the fact that you can fly an f-14 and I enjoy the training and the jobs you do( saving people) |
Name: Lisa Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: California Time: 1998-05-06 19:00:00 Comments: I am very seriously considering joining the air force to be a linguist. I will join around September of 1998. If you have information for me please contact me at: [email protected] Thanks |
Name: Marc
Welsh Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1998-05-04 03:54:00 Comments: I was just considering the Air Force and your page popped up! |
Name: Bruce
Buono Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Wichita, KS Time: 1998-05-02 01:55:00 Comments: Nice visit. I flew with a friend in the 360th in 1969-70. Great mision. Great page. |
Name: Bruce
Obermeyer Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Kansas Time: 1998-05-01 20:50:00 Comments: Assigned to 360th TEWS November 1972 (had just been promoted to rank of Captain), rerouted to 362nd TEWS at Da Nang, then on to 361st TEWS at NKP and Ubon, Thailand through November 1973. Instructor Pilot in EC-47N, P, & Q. |
Name: David
Piper (Waringpiper while in the USAF) Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Oregon Time: 1998-05-01 00:27:00 Comments: I was in the 362nd TEWS at DaNang 9/71 through 8/72. Loved the bird & the guys. Would welcome contact from those of you there when I was. |
Name: Joe
Kara Website: Brookfield VFW Post 2868 Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Woodridge,Illinois Time: 1998-04-30 21:12:00 Comments: You have a great page here.Keep up the good work. |
Name: Patrick
Smith Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: US Time: 1998-04-30 18:54:00 Comments: Interesting...I used it in school for a report on communications |
Name: Col
Bob Bonn Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Maxwell AFB AL Time: 1998-04-30 15:09:00 Comments: Enjoyed your page and other items I found when I searched for sites under "Antique Airlines". I was a young Lt pilot flying EC-47s with the 360th out of Tan Son Nhut, Mar 71-Mar 72. It was my first operational tour out of pilot training--I volunteered to go to VN and never regretted it. Best tour of my career--I retire next year with 30. I witnessed the Vietnamization of the EC-47 squadrons--they were good, especially the pilots because they had many thousands of hours in the DC-3. It was a great experience for a young man. Taxiing a tail dragger under the wings of big 747's in order to claim priority for takeoff was always a thrill--I was also #2 on final behind the first C-5 to land in SEA--a bumpy ride. I made IP over there. Came back and flew HH-43s, C-141s, T-39s and C-21s. Am now on the faculty of the Air War College. Best Regards. Bob |
Name: Tim Website: Tim's Air Force Page Referred by: Net Search From: Time: 1998-04-29 13:39:00 Comments: Very cool page! Please visit mine, it's got lots of Air Force Info! |
Name: Carmen Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Ontario,Canada Time: 1998-04-28 19:26:00 Comments: I am interested in joining the Air Force when I graduate from highschool, and I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how would be the best way to go about doing that. I am curretly involved in the Royal Canadian Air Force, and enjoy it very much. I would like to know about the Air Force. Thank you for your time. Carmen |
Name: Jack
Widowfield Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: E.Palestine , Ohio Time: 1998-04-28 01:16:00 Comments: Where are you from now? What T.C SQ? Any Combat? |
Name: bob Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: california Time: 1998-04-28 00:09:00 Comments: i was looking for PILOT CAREERS. for school and ran across your page. If any one knows were I can find more info on this subject please sent it to [email protected] it would be very helpful. |
Name: JIM
Name: JIM
Name: Sandra
Horan Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Germany, orginally Ohio Time: 1998-04-24 19:45:00 Comments: Great job, pictures are terrific, especially liked the poem! Best wishes! |
Name: Brad
Owen Website: Kung FU Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Muskogee, Oklahoma Time: 1998-04-24 01:45:00 Comments: I'm 16 years old, and have always known what I want to do with my life. I want to join the Air Force through the Air Force Academy as a second Lt. and fly as a test pilot. My backup plan is to enlist during high school(as an E-3 thanks to Jrotc) and after graduation try to get into the Air Combat Control arena. I'm looking for more than the ordinary 9-5 job, so your page was inspiring to me. |
Name: George
B. Montague Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Australia now but originaly Boston Time: 1998-04-24 01:17:00 Comments: I was with the 6994th from Oct. 67 thru Oct. 70. Being a Flight Examiner I was lucky to be able to get to the other sites. I had several TDY.s to NaTrang and Pleiku. I also crewed the first Mission Bird to NKP when Det. 3 or the 94th was setup and spent 30 odd days there getting them operational. Flew about 160 missions and it was some of the greatest duty. Great Page. Thanks for setting it up George B. Montague |
Name: Eric
Powers Website: River Valley Net Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Clarksville Arkansas Time: 1998-04-23 19:41:00 Comments: No Comment at this time. |
Name: Robert
L. Bob Doumecq Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Garland, Texas Time: 1998-04-23 03:37:00 Comments: I too have flown many hours on C-124 s . I enjoyed your page good work. |
Name: Airlee
Owens Website: Tribute to the Silent Warriors Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Bandon, Oregon Time: 1998-04-22 01:22:00 Comments: Hi JC. You have done a fabulous job on your web site. It looks very professionally done. Congratulations! I hope that you make contact with lots of former friends and people who had jobs similar to yours. There seems to be a lot of airmen out there who are looking for some connection with their past military life. I guess we never ever really get that part of our lives out of our minds. In Brotherhood, Airlee Owens |
Name: Bill
Elmendorf Website: 80th Troop Carrier Squadron Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Evansville, Indiana Time: 1998-04-21 22:45:00 Comments: WOW. Visitor number 3227! Like to told you the other day I will go through your page. And thanks for the nice things you said about out page ( As they say in England "Keep your pecker up." |
Name: George
Cossey Website: George Cossey's Home Page Referred by: From From: Conway, AR Time: 1998-04-21 07:36:00 Comments: Just re-visiting the sites from my guest book. Yep!!!! I know old Thorpe, I work a day shift on Thursday and I talk to hime several times. I have changed my site some. Feel free to drop by anytime. |
Name: Keith
Pipkins Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Arkansas Time: 1998-04-17 03:43:00 Comments: Ok, just surffed on down the pipeline to this totally radical site. |
Name: wave Website: wave's homepage Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Rhode Island, USA Time: 1998-04-16 21:19:00 Comments: Great page! Always nice to meet another person dedicated to serving their community and nation. :-) |
Name: Bob
Batchelar Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: San Jose, California Time: 1998-04-15 22:24:00 Comments: Hi Jim, I'm justing checking out your updates. This site is really looking good. I appreciate your photos of the 66-67 time frame and would appreciate it if any of your viewers or yourself have any more from the 6994th at Saigon during that same period. All of mine were lost during many moves or perhaps confiscated by ex-wives. Who knows. But I enjoy seeing old faces again.. |
Name: Angie
Baehl Website: Referred by: From Geocities From: Alberta Canada Time: 1998-04-15 20:20:00 Comments: Hi my name is Angie Baehl I used to be in Air Cadets and i was so close to getting my piolits but i had to quit. I was wondering what dose it take to be a piolit? because i really wanna go for it. But i heard that you have to have good grades and my grades arn't good so if you can answer my questions and email me back ok i would really appreaciet it here is one more question What is the trainning like please answer my questions thank you and email me back and tell me the answers my questions From Angie Baehl |
Name: stephen[raptor]king Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: enumclaw,washington Time: 1998-04-13 17:53:00 Comments: hey,one of my goals is to be an air force pilot so im always stopping to see any thing i can who knows ,maybe i,ll end up in a yf-22 raptor or a f-16 falcon and bomb suddam back to he came from. hope to wear the flag for our country soon raptor666 |
Name: T.
Blackshear Website: Referred by: Net Search From: phoenix az Time: 1998-04-13 03:33:00 Comments: My dad, Joy Blackshear, who lives in Sierra Vista AZ, flew as a crew chief on a C-47. He flew the Hump in Burma during WW2. He was also in Korea and the Phillipean Islands, at Clark AFB. |
Name: brian
hetzel Website: Referred by: Net Search From: los alamitos,ca Time: 1998-04-09 17:49:00 Comments: i was wondering if you could send me some information on your preticular line of duty scincerely brian hetzel |
Name: Mitch
Leestma/Brandon Haag Website: Cedar Ridge Elementary Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Eden Prairie, Minnesota Time: 1998-04-08 16:19:00 Comments: We are doing a report on careers. We have chosen to learn more about a career in the Air Force. We would like to know some of the advantages and disadvantages of being in the air force, along with duties of the job and anything else that you think would be helpful. We appreciate your help! Sincerely, Mitch Leesta and Brandon Haag |
Name: Ken Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Calgary Time: 1998-04-08 04:44:00 Comments: Good luck locating your Vietnam aquaintances |
Name: roger
williamson (N5QNA) Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: conway,ar Time: 1998-04-07 17:31:00 Comments: Hi'ya JC,Hope You Got Somethin Left After The Fest At Woody's Sherwood Forrest.Give Ya Good Reason To Go To Next One . Roger N5QNA |
Name: Ken Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Detroit Time: 1998-04-07 12:31:00 Comments: Test only. |
Name: Website: ? Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1998-04-06 16:20:00 Comments: My Cousin is stationed In Florida's MacDill AFB, and I am joining the AF in a year. I have been interested in the AF for many years and finally decided to join. I am going in for firefighting. I am a volunteer firefighter now so it is helping me get the strength up for what i have coming. Thank you for your time. "Fish" Student Kinsman, OH |
Name: chris Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: texas Time: 1998-04-06 15:06:00 Comments: hi, i am a 19 year old senior at West Brook, in Beaumont,Texas. I am also enlisted in the United States Air Force. I am going in as an E-2. I plan on going to Tech School and studing Aerospace Prepulsion, i am really excited about the obligation i have and the respect i will earn from my fellow Americans. I have always been fasinated with flying. That is one reason why joined. But i know you must be an officer to fly. That is why i am wrighting you, sir. If you have any information, could you please email that information to me? In closing i thank you for you time. Sir. Airman Lee |
Name: Kevin
A. Kramer Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Dayton, Ohio Time: 1998-04-05 04:58:00 Comments: Hi! I'm a filmmaker from Dayton, Ohio. I'm writing a feature length film script about a WWII C-47 plane crash in New Guinea. I've been searching for someone who's had extensive experience working hands-on with a Skytrain. If by chance you would be interested in giving me some information, or just chatting about your experiences, I'd be delighted. Thanks for your time... |
Name: JASON RACZNIAK Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: ARBUTUS MD, 21227 Time: 1998-04-03 18:33:00 Comments: This is so cool!!! |
Name: private
Richard Lyon Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: South Carolina Time: 1998-04-03 15:45:00 Comments: I would like you to write to me at 723 S. Cartersville Hwy. About how to join the Air Force. Thank you for your time. |
Name: Tommy
Towery Website: The Real Tommy Towery's Home Page Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Memphis, TN Time: 1998-04-03 05:48:00 Comments: James, I have added you to my Visiting USAF friends and put a link to your page on the bottom of my USAF page. Thanks for the visit. Keep 'em flying. |
Name: Fred
Lewis Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Detroit area Time: 1998-04-02 23:53:00 Comments: Was with the 362nd TEWS in Danang and NKP Thailand and worked on the Gooney Bird as crewchief. Hell of a plane. Nice page, I plan to visit again. |
Name: Dennis
Buley Website: Special Electronic Mission Aircraft Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Manassas, VA Time: 1998-04-02 22:19:00 Comments: Haven't look through your site yet. Top page looks very nice. |
Name: Roger
Frederick Website: CHAMPUS/TRICARE Now the World Knows! Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Time: 1998-03-31 04:55:00 Comments: Enjoyed your webpage. That was a nice tribute to the crew of the aircraft. I bet you wish that you still had those cars, they would be worth a fortune now. Take care and keep up the good work.-------------------------------------------------------Roger, Sorry, but I removed the Logo. It gave the appearance of commercialism, a look I do not wish to portray. I can sure appreciate your cause, I Hope you understand. J.C. |
Name: Garth
Richardson Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Bowling Green, KY Time: 1998-03-28 04:00:00 Comments: Hello MSgt. Wheeler, Garth here. I was on the Air Force page and came across your page. I plan on,after I graduate from Lipscomb, taking the AFOQT and hopefully getting into OTS. The Air Force has been a part of my family ( and will remain) since my Grandaddy was in WW2. I want to pay back in a small way our forefathers for allowing us to have such a wonderful country. |
Name: MoonBeam Website: MoonBeam's Galaxy Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Clarksville, Arkansas, USA Time: 1998-03-24 20:01:00 Comments: Hello. I got to your page from George Cossey's Guestbook and I noticed you were from Clarksville. I've probably seen you around. I'd like to invite you to my homepage. Take care, MoonBeam |
Name: George
Cossey Website: George Cossey's Home Page Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Conway, Arkansas Time: 1998-03-24 09:46:00 Comments: Nice page. Please drop by and visit my site. I am a retired Law Enforcement Officer with over 20 years and retired form the Army National Guard with 23 years. |
Name: SGT
Stephen King Website: 392nd Chemical Company Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Conway , N.H. Time: 1998-03-23 02:12:00 Comments: I was just looking around when I discovered your home page! Very nice looking page... The picture of the Eagle is one of the best I have ever seen... It was a plesure to visit your page...! Sincerely SGT Stephen King [email protected] |
Name: Bob
McGarry Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Ma Time: 1998-03-23 01:31:00 Comments: Hi, I was a gunner on the SPOOKY'S in 69. With the 3rd SOS in Binh Thuy and the 4th SOS at Nha Trang, Da Nang and tdy to Udorn. Remember working with the EC's at Binh Thuy. One of the guys with the EC's at Binh Thuy was Richard Guertin.eng. or loadmaster. I joined the ACA in hopes of finding some Spooky people. Only saw Rich and a Spooky pilot, John Lamb that i knew from the 47's. Do you know of any web sites or Spooky group around.I stumbled across your page thru the "crew chief" or something using the the Nav. I'm new at this stuff so I get lost easy on the net stuff. If you could help with some info I'd appreciate it. Thanks, Bob |
Name: Tom
Crowley Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: San Angelo, Texas Time: 1998-03-22 19:06:00 Comments: Jim - I'm responding to your e-mail msg. re: EC-47 that was shot down in 1967. I don't have any personal or first-hand knowledge of it. Only what I heard others speak of. However, I'll make inquiries among some of the folks that retired in the area (Goodfellow AFB). There are quite a few of them that were in-country around that period of time with USAFSS and some were back-enders in the Combat Cougar program. I'll keep your address and get back to you next month. By the way, I like your home page. It's simple, yet elegant. Best regards, Tom Crowley |
Name: Amy
H. Website: n/a Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Maine Time: 1998-03-20 02:15:00 Comments: Looking around |
Name: David
L. Gentry Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Fisher, Louisiana Time: 1998-03-19 07:04:00 Comments: Very nice page. Glad you have honored those who served by placing the photos and personal stories on the web. I think there was a guy named Fred Wheeler who worked on the railroad before my time in Fisher, LA an old sawmill town. That would have been the 1930's to the late '60s. From Turkey, later. Panama here I come in Jan. 99 |
Name: Keith
Pipkins Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Hartman, Arkansas Time: 1998-03-19 02:39:00 Comments: Very nice page. |
Name: Ralph
Courtney Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Hurlburt Fld,Fl Time: 1998-03-18 04:04:00 Comments: I am currently a flight engineer on AC-130U gunships. I was assigned to the 62 TAS from 1982-1985, then came to Hurlburt on AC-130H gunpigs. I left HRT for Edwards in 1991 to test the new "U Boat", then came back here with it. Just found it interesting to see someone on the net that was in the old Arkansas Border Patrol. |
Name: Bob
Batchelar Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: San Jose, Calif. Time: 1998-03-17 01:59:00 Comments: Enjoyed your page. I was with the 6994th in Tonsonhut in 66 and 67 with Drillpress. |
Name: Airlee
Owens Website: Tribute to the Silent Warriors (of the Cold War) Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Bandon, Oregon Time: 1998-03-17 01:10:00 Comments: Hi JC, I sent your note to me to all of the Prop Wash Gang. If anyone knows anything they will contact you. Thanks for dropping by and visiting the Silent Warriors web site. |
Name: Terry
Rhodes Website: Egress Shop Home Page Referred by: Just Surfed On In From: Kentucky Time: 1998-03-14 23:40:00 Comments: Great site! Thanks for your service to the country! You are welcome to visit the Egress Shop Homepage and sign the guestbook! Take Care! |
Name: Jeremy
Perie Website: Referred by: Net Search From: Newton, Illinois Time: 1998-03-13 17:06:00 Comments: I have been thinking about joining the air force and just wanted some helpful info. |
Name: David
M. Brooks Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Warren, Arkansas Time: 1998-03-12 18:57:00 Comments: I was a navigator/intelligence officer in the 361 TEWS at Phu Cat, 1969-1970. I have a C-124, C-141 and C-5 flying backgrouond in the first half of my career, Dover and Travis. As an AF Base Civil Engineer, had assignments at Lajes, 1979-1982, McGuire, 1982-1985, Maxwell, 1985-1988, and as AFRegionalCE in Dallas retiring with 30 in 1991. Now reside in Vacaville, CA. |
Name: Michael
Anderson Website: Referred by: SimpleNet From: Time: 1998-03-10 17:11:00 Comments: I AM TRYING TO FIND OUT WHAT IT IS LIKE IN THE MILTARY OR SHOUKD I SAY THE AIR FORCE. PLEASE GET BACK TO ME |
Name: Jim
Hart Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Richmond, Tx Time: 1998-03-09 15:27:00 Comments: JC. Just to let you know what a key to my past your page has provided. After I found this page it led me into some other areas and now after less that one week I am communicating with individuals I had not talked with in 28 years. You are doing a fine thing so keep up the good work. Anyone reading this page who served at Tan Son Nhut from Sept 1970 to Sept 1971 and flew in EC47's with the 6994th Security Squadron or may have been a member of the front end crews please contact me [email protected]. Would love to hear from you. Regards Jim Hart (N5GKW) |
Name: Swanson
B .Brown Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: lillian al. Time: 1998-03-08 23:48:00 Comments: i gave the a.f. 32.5 years--1954-1986---mats,mac---i worked mac & amc 1991 to present as a 747 F.E. |
Name: Judy
Beeman Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Pueblo, CO Time: 1998-03-08 21:41:00 Comments: i am looking for information about Johnson Air Force Base, Japan. I have surfed quite a few of the military information pages and can't seem to get any information. Would appreciate any help. Thanks |
Name: Jim
Hart Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Richmond, Tx Time: 1998-03-04 17:28:00 Comments: I flew with the 6994th Security Squadron out of Tan Son Nhut from Sept. 1970 to Aug. 1971. I was an RO in the backend of the EC-47. There is very little information on the EC-47 and it was good to see this. Do you have any information on the AC/AJ numbers that you might have flown on. Will continue to monitor this page. |
Name: Bill
Simmons Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Bellevue, WA Time: 1998-03-04 04:29:00 Comments: I flew C-130B with 463rd TAW stationed at Clark and based at Cam Rhan Bay from 1970 to 1972. A friend suggested I use a search engine. I was in 22nd TAS and that is how I found you from Infoseek. Can you help me locate a web site for the 463rd or 22nd. 463rd moved to Little Rock I think. Thanks |
Name: John
Riker Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Sodus, NY Time: 1998-03-04 01:52:00 Comments: i'm a rotc student, and hopefully i'll be a pilot in the air force |
WHITWER Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: west la angeles Time: 1998-03-03 18:26:00 Comments: I was a Loadmaster 66-70 Vietnam 773rd and stateside 14th and 15th C-130's and C141's spent most of my time in Vietnam on C130's been in the hospital for some 30 months and am getting ready to move on I am service connected and with some benefits. I went in to the hospitsal with PTSD for the war. P.S. I have to let others use the commputer so I will have to sign off. |
Name: Leroy Website: Referred by: From LinkExchange From: Clarksville, AR Time: 1998-03-01 14:05:00 Comments: Hay John it was nice meeting ya in person at the Ham Radio sales fest in Russellville. I took a look at your new home page. Good job! One little suggestion thow. On your e-mail button can you put a pause on the pen?¿? It keeps going so fast it is a little uncomfortable to the eyes... Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more of your short stories... Your friend Leroy |
Name: Trista
Dickerson Website: Ronin Worrers Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Kuntucky Time: 1998-02-24 19:44:00 Comments: I would like it if you would sind my some info on basic tranging and the pay for reacrch for a paper iam doing in class. Thank you Trista D/Anubis ps i would like any addisonal info that you that you thank will help me. |
PAGARIA Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: INDIA Time: 1998-02-23 14:47:00 Comments: WORTH WATCHING |
PAGARIA Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: INDIA Time: 1998-02-23 14:44:00 Comments: WORTH WATCHING |
VINCENT Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Sebastopol, CA Time: 1998-02-20 02:52:00 Comments: Great site. I enjoyed reading about your career. I am an AFROTC cadet at BYU and will be commissioned in Dec 98 as an intelligence officer, so I really like the Air Force stories. |
Name: Bruce
Nelson Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Time: 1998-02-19 17:27:00 Comments: Jim, I reviewed the enlisted paper. There are a couple of typos that have been introduced. Other than that, it looks fine. |
Name: derek Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Tunderebay Ont. Time: 1998-02-11 23:22:00 Comments: Jets Rock |
Name: Gary
L. Webster, Msg Ret. Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Tan Son Nhut AB Time: 1998-02-11 22:03:00 Comments: Greetings from North Conway, NH. I'm retired from AF Reserves (NH Air National Guard - KC-135 R&R Shop Chief), crewed RF=4C #64-1056 at TSN April '67 to Apr '68. Ham Radio call N1PZB. Thanks for the memories! Gary |
Name: Donald
E. Holland Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Akron, Ohio Time: 1998-02-10 18:33:00 Comments: I was a missile combat crew commander (missile puke) from 1975-1980, Grand Forks AFB. Was in Nam with USMC 1969-1970. Now I'm in Ohio National Guard 1987-? |
Name: Dave
Bristol Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Leesburg Florida Time: 1998-02-06 21:25:00 Comments: Saw your link on the silent Warriors page and decided to come over and take a look. Great page. Especially liked your ham radio page. 73, Dave |
Name: Daniel
Wiley Website: Referred by: Word of Mouth From: Lamar,Ar Time: 1998-02-06 01:45:00 Comments: J.C, Wow you have done a GREAT JOB on this site. I willbe back to ckeck it out later to...Dan |
Name: Ken
Versele Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Garden City, Michigan Time: 1998-02-03 03:14:00 Comments: Welcome Home, Guys! |
Name: Danny
Howser Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Columbus, Ohio Time: 1998-01-24 16:20:00 Comments: C-47 Time, Pleiku AB, RVN 1968 - 1969 Mildenhall England, 1969 - 1972 |
Name: Phil
Hoots Website: Referred by: Just Surfed On In! From: Time: 1998-01-10 01:05:00 Comments: Good job! I will have one coming before long at the school. |