A Few Ferry Flight Crew Members, 1966

Taken from official orders.

FROM: 4412th CCTS                                   6 September 1966


TO:  Each Individual Concerned
     4410th CCTW (Hurlburt/DOTR)
     SAWC (DOTR)
     TRC (Mr. Ehlers)

1. The following Personnel are designated project "PHYLISS ANN" Ferry
Crews number 26 thru 33.

CREW #26
NAME                          RANK         AFSN                POSITION

Anderson, Earl W.             Lt Col      FR40481              Acft Cmdr
Elkins, John C.               Maj         FV887956             Pilot
Carlson, Milton D.            Capt        FV758769             Pilot
Scott, Bobby G.               Capt        FR71642              Nav
Garber, Michael D.            TSgt        AF12570090           Flt Mech

Crew #27

Barnard, VanNess H.           Maj         FR42089              Acft Cmdr
Reeser, Alvin L.              Maj         FR42708              Pilot
Steingasser, Joseph N.        Maj         FR27020              Pilot
Koop, Robert N.               1 Lt        FV3147426            Nav
Green, Freddie L.             SSgt        AF1549970            Flt Mech

Crew #28

Kelly, Will G. Jr.            Maj         FV2217378            Acft Cmdr
Bailey, Bradford B.           Maj         FV2083228            Pilot
Johnson, Robert T.            Capt        FV3023155            Pilot
Stevens, Roger W.             Capt        FV3121744            Nav
Hadding, Theodore L.          SSgt        AF16431003           Flt Mech

Crew #29

McGrath, James C.             Maj         FV2224939            Acft Cmdr
Hilderbrand, Robert M.        Maj         FV816863             Pilot
Gentry, Roy L. Jr.            Maj         FR28713              Pilot
Warren, James C.              Maj         FR53079              Nav
McIntyre, Edward P.           SSgt        AF12543120           Flt Mech

Crew #30

VanBuskirk, George L.         Maj         FR63953              Acft Cmdr
Bourne, Richard W.            Capt        FV3081019            Pilot
Tencza, Stanly F. Jr.         Capt        FR71486              Pilot
Mutrie, Henry W.              Capt        FR57743              Nav
Simons, Virgil D.             SSgt        AF19440612           Flt Mech

Crew #31

Durban, Irvin W.              Capt        FR2205847            Acft Cmdr
Felock, Joseph W. Jr.         Capt        FR54325              Pilot
Sullivan, Billy G.            Capt        FV3025607            Pilot
Rice, David F.                1 Lt        FV3139339            Nav
Fierro, Vincent               SSgt        AF11336324           Flt Mech

Crew #32

Lynn, Roy H. Jr.              Capt        FR273223             Acft Cmdr
Green, Merrill A. Jr.         Capt        FR29086              Pilot
Winkler, Roy N.               Capt        FR61067              Pilot
Hodapp, Edward E.             Maj         FV3024447            Nav
Kiefel, Lawrence J.           A1c         AF17599512           Flt Mech

Crew #33

Lord, John E.                 Capt        FV3039071            Acft Cmdr
Arias, Roger F.A.             Capt        FR74136              Pilot
Fry, Lyle M.                  Capt        FR80678              Pilot
Martin, Douglas W.            Maj         FR31055              Nav
LeCourt, Kenneth P.           A1c         AF21279512           Flt Mech

2.  Firm Reporting dates to Grenier Field, New Hampshire have not been
established yet. It is anticipated that the reporting date will be sometime
during October 1966. Further information will be furnished each individual
as soon as a crew request is received from the 3247 Special Activities Sq.

3.  In addition to normal survival equipment issued to previous ferry crews
in accordance with TAC Program Plan 66-16(s) the above crews will also
draw Artic survival equipment to insure adequate coverage for that portion
of the ferry route that traverses Alaska.

R.D. Naylor, Lt Colonel, USAF


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