I lost a friend in this one too.

Five Photos, what was a C-47

Although this is not one of our EC-47's, the results of such an impact would have been the same. If I remember correctly, this was a psychological warfare bird. It was out of Nha Trang. I had a friend aboard that had swapped his day of some detail to the guy who was scheduled to fly it, for the flying duty. And, again to the best of my memory, the story I heard was a fighter pilot saw it go down in a tight spiral, hitting on the edge of a cliff. Parts went into the jungle an parts went into the South China Sea at the base of the bluff. Needless to say, there were no survivors. My opinion, for what it is worth, is that the right wing seperated just outboard of the right engine. My reasoning is how well the wing section is compared to the rest of the aircraft. It looks as if it just floated down like a leaf. And I may be way off base, never did hear what the outcome of the investigation was.

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