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This flight crew plus other personnel is shown in the photo. The aircraft
is number 44-77254 with Sgt J.W. Campo as Crew Chief.

Standing left to right, Lt. Col. J. Barnes, Commander 6994th Security Squadron;
MSgt M.L. Pettit, 6994th Radio Operator; Lt. Col. W.H. Sanders, 360th Squadron
Navigator; Sgt S. Wilson 360th Maintenance; Sgt J.W. Campo 360th Maintenance and
Crew Chief; Sgt W.E. Graham, 6994th Radio Operator; Lt. M.D. Crist, 360th Co-Pilot;
Lt. J.A. Rondeau, 360th TEWS Aircraft Commander; Lt. Col. R.B. Nourie, 360th TEWS
Assistant Operations Officer; Lt. Col. D.J. Sagun, 360th TEWS Operations Officer.
Kneeling left to right, SSgt J.D. Lance 6994th Radio Operator; Lt. Col. J.F. Yarbrough,
360th TEWS Navigator and Squadron Executive Officer; and Captain P.K. Petersdork,
360th TEWS Maintenance Officer.

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