BEGINNING BALANCE as of: August 2002 $5,819.77 REVENUES DONATIONS $100.00 OTHER REVENUES $62.25 PLATE SALES $140.00 RAFFLE $224.00 REGISTRATION $7,500.00 TOTAL REVENUES $8,026.25 EXPENSES BANQUET $3,428.79 AIR FORCE MUSEUM $1,083.00 FLY OVER $600.00 HOTEL COSTS $1,372.18 MAILING AND POSTAGE $107.25 MODEL AIRPLANE $50.00 REFRESHMENTS $190.95 REFUND $650.00 SNACKS $42.46 SUPPLIES $305.50 TRAVEL $329.31 MISC. EXPENSES $0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $8,159.44 NET REVENUES ($133.19) ENDING BALANCE as of: FEBRUARY 2004 $5,686.58 INCREASE(DECREASE) NET WORTH: ( -$133.19 ) (Note: Most of the Refund amount was to re-imburse individuals for their out of pocket expense to resupply the refreshments in the Hospitality Room. You all know we drank more the $190 in beer, right. J.C. )
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