The Gooney Still Flies
Thanks to Richard Snook

Meet Richard Snook and his wife Linda. Richard is president and CEO of Missionary Flights International. Richard and Linda have served with MFI since 1986 after moving to Florida from their home in Iowa. They have four grown children and four grandchildren.

After receiving aviation training from the United States Air Force, Richard served a tour of duty in Viet Nam. While in Viet Nam, he worked on the military version of the DC-3's, the EC-47.

Richard was assigned to the 360th Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron at Tan Son Nhut from December 1967 until December 1968 and was one of the Crew Chiefs that kept us supplied with a safe operation aircraft to fly.

Richard used his military training and experience to put the same aircraft to another mission. Today, Richard is still an active DC-3 Captain.

To read more of Richard's EC-47 Assignment, Click Here.

To learn more about Richard's Current Mission, Click Here.
